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  For Each

Author Topic:   For Each
Wizard posted 04-07-2001 21:20 GMT     
Alex, I am interested in using the For Each feature for characters in a given room. I would need to access the properties that were assigned to them in the Define Character section.

So the two questions that I have are:
1. The examples in the manual were for objects, what is the syntax for characters?

2. What is the internal variable name that would return the name of the character, each time through the loop?

Thanks Wizard

Alex posted 05-07-2001 12:01 GMT          
In Quest 3.0 the "define character" block doesn't exist - objects, whether alive or not, have to be defined using "define object". So the syntax is the same.
Wizard posted 07-07-2001 01:56 GMT          
Alex, yea while the site was down I figured a way around it. I define an object with the same name as the char, assign properties and then make it invisible in the same room with the char. It works great.

Thanks, Wizard