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  Question (to anyone) about doing something in Quest

Author Topic:   Question (to anyone) about doing something in Quest
Tyrant posted 07-07-2001 00:48 GMT     
Basically I just want to know if there's an easy way to make the main character level up after every 100 or so experience points he gains? As in every RPG, he gains experience points from battle. After getting a certain amount of EXP points, the character will level up, which will also increase his stats. I just need to know if there is some sort of function in Quest that you can put in the 'Afterturn' action that does this sort of thing. I could also put the function in any other procedure as well.

Lv 1 at 100 EXP points
Lv 2 at 200 EXP points
Lv 3 at 300 EXP points

Also, is there a way to change the properties of a collectible? Lets say that at Lv 0, you have an HP (health) range of 0-25. So at 25 HP, he is at 100% health, but at 0 HP, he dies. Then, when he gains a level, the range's maximum value increases from 25 to 30, then from 30 to 35, and so on. Is this possible? At this point, I'm using the simple 0-100% way of health, but I'd rather chose the traditional RPG method.

Computer Whizz posted 07-07-2001 01:49 GMT          
did you know I *WAS* going to use a simple form of something like:

setnum lev; =1
setnum exp; =0
setnum exp2go; =100

then after each turn have exp go up until it equalled exp to go. Then have exp2go put up 100 (+100) and reset the level or something similar.... I think it was ALOT more complex actually but that's scraped anyway!

Now looking at the way you laid your question out I have an idea!!!
Why not use the ASL 284 array?
You can set it up as:

exp2lv1; 100
exp2lv2; 200
exp2lv3; 300

and use the exp2lv~ as a calling line. When the level is a certain number, the exp to go is their level plus one or something. I'm gonna start getting this down on paper (it makes more sense to me!).
oh and I think you could use the same way to increase the HP&stuff by different ammount's via this way.... if your doing it by the same ammount then do it by adding a fixed ammount or something IMO.


Alex posted 07-07-2001 12:15 GMT          
Actually if you're using Quest 3.0 you might want to check the "onchange" tag of status variables, which will make things run quicker - that way you check the value of your variable every time it changes, rather than at the end of every turn.
Computer Whizz posted 07-07-2001 13:09 GMT          
Thanx for that.
Is that ASL 300 or 284?
I don't remember reading anything like that from the 284 doc's. :(
