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  i wanna make me own app

Author Topic:   i wanna make me own app
carlii posted 29-07-2001 12:11 GMT     
I am trying to learn C from books at the library but most of them are University books (ie. books that the university own that you can only get out for a week and the fees are astronomical). I would absolutely LOVE to create my own application or at least be associated with the development of one. I want to learn some programming code. Could you give me a few tips and do you know any sites that could somehow teach me how? Thanks-a-million. QUEST RULZ 4EVA.
Computer Whizz posted 29-07-2001 12:30 GMT          
Well, Quest uses visual basic..... which of course uses 'BASIC' and not C/C++.

I am trying to learn C/C++, and have a bcc (borland C compiler) and have a tiny book my father bought for me :)

I'd advise you to go to WH smiths, or and buy a C/C++ book..... I don't know but I'd emagine they'd be pretty cheep..... somewhere on the Borland site they've got a free bcc (the one I have!) that may/may not compile into windows (ie... it may ONLY execute in DOS!).

Or you could get visual C, and other C/C++ programming packages from good PC stores!


Alex posted 29-07-2001 14:27 GMT          
This kind of post is off-topic here. Please use the Chat forum.