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  Is it possible to change a room's name?

Author Topic:   Is it possible to change a room's name?
Cheeselord posted 02-10-2001 03:18 GMT     
Im trying to make it so that everyone starts out with a deed to a house, and then there is a whole neighborhood that starts out totally empty. Anyway, I want the person to give the deed to an architect in the room (I can already make the architect) and then they get to input the house name of they're choice, or if that doesnt work just make it say (person's name)'s House. Anyway I just dont know how to let the user choose the name, or even how to change the room name in the game at all.
Computer Whizz posted 02-10-2001 16:21 GMT          
Well, the way to change a room's name is to use it's alias. This will hide the room's REAL name, and show a completely different name......

Although I don't think Quest support's variable name's! Eg. Whatever you want the name to be can vary since the player can name it WHATEVER he want's!

I'd like to see ALOT of things coming into Quest, and almost ALL of them would involve variable's in some way/shape or form .

Oh, and about that do <variable> thing..... I have been informed (and have come across something like it) that you CAN call a procedure using a variable as a pointer in :
C/C++ (my dad as source.... book's soon to come!)
Visual Basic (it's called CASE..... it's not EXACTLY a call variable - but close!)
and firST BASIC (you could use a function where it called a procedure using a function ---- I'll try and scan the book if you want, if my father hasn't taken it that is!)
I'm not sure about any others..... BUT WE WANT MORE VARIABLES!!!!

Computer Whizz

MaDbRiT posted 02-10-2001 17:19 GMT          

Oh, and about that do <variable> thing..... I have been informed (and have come across something like it) that you CAN call a procedure using a variable as a pointer in :

Yes you can do something like that, (roughly speaking a 'pointer' is used to index a memory location where the variable value 'lives' regardless of what it is called) - and in my opinion it is one of the best ways of making really BAD C++ programs that are really hard to follow and very bug prone.

Pointers generally are one of the reasons I hate having to work with C++ at all - they are just too easy to get into a mess with. (Most people find learning how to use pointers is the hardest bit of C++ for good reason.)

One of C++'s biggest problems is that it provides the coder plenty of rope with which to hang himself and innumerable convenient scaffolds. :-)

Just because you CAN do something doesn't make it automatically a good idea. :-)

I don't personally think Quest needs anything as potentially confusing as pointers, it is supposed to be a relatively easy to learn and use adventure writing system after all. With what we already have and a bit of lateral thought most things are possible without having to resort to hard to comprehend advanced coding methods.

Just my opinion - but why not just use INFORM if you want to get into C/C++ style complexity of coding?


MaDbRiT posted 02-10-2001 18:29 GMT          
Having burbled on at length about what a bad idea pointers in Quest would be, I think I might have got the wrong idea completely about what you actually want to be able to do C.W.

I replied assuming you meant something like an old fashioned BASIC might do with a calculated GOSUB call e.g.


100 GOSUB 100 + (X% * 100)
200 moveplayer T0 kitchen
300 moveplayer TO lounge

Thats bad, because it isn't immediately obvious where the flow of the program will go, and of course an unexpected value of X% will almost certainly trash the program. This is the main problem with allowing the contents of a variable to control program flow in a very direct way.

However a SELECT CASE as in modern BASICS option would be lovely, it would allow the contents of a variable to control flow in a less direct, more limited way. It would also remove the need to write masses of IF THEN ELSE conditions. Something like :-


CASE 1 goto <kitchen> END CASE
CASE 2 goto <lounge> END CASE
CASE 3 goto <hallway> END CASE
CASE >= 4 goto <garden> END CASE
CASE DEFAULT msg <You spin aimlessly...> END CASE

Now that WOULD be useful don't you think? This construct is easier to follow and allows for unexpected values of X% to be dealt with without crashing the program.

How easy it would be to add it to Quest is another matter entirely ;-)



MaDbRiT posted 02-10-2001 18:54 GMT          
Ahem.. I didn't actually reply to the original poster here did I. Sorry Cheeselord :-)

C.W. is right, you can get the effect you want by manipulating the ALIAS tags, here's an example:


define game <Naming Rooms>

asl-version <300>

game version <1.0>
game author <MaDbRiT>
game copyright <� 2001>
game info <No info>
start <startroom>
command <name house #moniker#> {
property <#quest.currentroom#;alias = $capfirst(#moniker#)$>
exec <look>

end define

define room <startroom>
look <A nondescript modern house.>
alias <a nameless house>
north <room2>
end define

define room <room2>
look <A nondescript modern house.>
alias <a nameless house>
south <startroom>
end define

define text <intro>
Simply type 'name house |iname|xi to change the name of each house!
end define

define text <win>
Enter win text here
end define

define text <lose>
Enter lose text here
end define

You can cut, paste and run that to see it in action.


Computer Whizz posted 02-10-2001 20:54 GMT          
Yes, that would be nice Al....
What I was thinking of was less USER variables (that would just be RECKLESS!!) but more on the programming side. EG Say a timer was at a certain point, or a random number between two points were generated, then that variable would be made by YOU the programmer!

And even if you DID allow for a user inputted variable, then you'd make a little routine to make sure that it was within the specified range.... but tat would still be a bad idea!

Oh, and leaving note's (Rem's, // or /*'s) are always a good idea to remember what the HELL you were thinking of after you drank those 15 beer's .

I didn't actually know you could set it like that!! WOW.... I'll have to remember that.
Oh, and I'd rather stick to Quest for the time being ;) BASIC has, and always will be, the programming language in my heart!

Computer Whizz

Alex posted 02-10-2001 22:18 GMT          
Hmm... "select case". One for the to do list... I'm sure you're responsible for 90% of all Quest features, Al!

It would actually be really easy for me to make Quest allow "do <#mything#>". At the moment it deliberately doesn't interpolate #mything#. But I think it's my duty to force you to try to code properly.

MaDbRiT posted 03-10-2001 10:35 GMT          
Alex wrote:

Hmm... "select case". One for the to do list... I'm sure you're responsible for 90% of all Quest features, Al!

While it's true I have made lots of suggestions that have led to Quest features, 90% is probably a bit of an exaggeration!

Most of my suggestions have been based on limitations or difficulties I've hit actually using Quest to create things, so they (hopefully) represent the kind of true 'user feedback' that the beta releases were intended to generate.

The fact is that suggestions put forward are always given proper consideration and implemented if they make sense within the context of what Quest is about, so I for one am quite happy to continue making them.


It would actually be really easy for me to make Quest allow "do <#mything#>". At the moment it deliberately doesn't interpolate #mything#. But I think it's my duty to force you to try to code properly

I agree entirely, allowing that would be a recipe for chaos. If I may take the liberty of quoting myself from the post a few messages above?


Just because you CAN do something doesn't make it automatically a good idea. :-)
