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  Interacting with players in QuestNet.

Author Topic:   Interacting with players in QuestNet.
Pikaflare posted 08-11-2001 22:29 GMT     
I know how to interact with characters in questnet. Let's say there's three players that will play. Play1, Play2, and Play3. Make three rooms for them (i.e. play1a, play2a, play3a). When you interact with, say, play1, change the room play1a's action script to what you want to be displayed to them. You can do this with all players. After every turn, for every player, do this:
Run the action script for their room
Change the action script to a blank action.

I forgot to mention this:
In the startscript, change a variable (#name[whateverarray#) to their name. Perhaps you could make them enter their name and add this. Then, also in the startscript, create a room with the contents of that variable (again, #name[whateverarray]#). Every turn, run the action in their room using thh variable.
I have not tested this part. You may have to limit it to players you know, and only allow them to access it. Anyways, it's a start :) . Let me know if someone comes up with a better way.


Computer Whizz posted 09-11-2001 02:18 GMT          
ummmm....... I have NO idea what you're trying to do there!

If you're talking about inventory's or whatever - then the inventory's ARE the player's number.... something like "inv[1]" or something.... I remember scanning through the readme file and running across it somewhere!

What exactly were you trying to do?

Computer Whizz

Pikaflare posted 09-11-2001 15:31 GMT          
Here's an example.
Play1 shoots play2. You don't want to reduce play2's health without them understanding why right? That's why you edit the action to their room. After their turn, they will see a message (the action) such as "You have been shot!". Get it now?


Computer Whizz posted 09-11-2001 20:37 GMT          
Ahhh..... right.

So you are using rooms for this?

Is soon as you started off with explaining that, I was thinking that the person should check his inventory or variables for a variable called "shot" and see if it was 1/0 with a timer/whatever. This would then start a script and display "you've been shot.... do you want to retaliate?" and so fourth!
Also, when the other player (the one who has the gun!) types in "shoot #player#" then it would change this variable as well as his HP.

Wait a minute, use a status variable - not a timer - then that way when the variable changes then you can have the script run instead of using a timer.... BTW alot of features won't work in QX3 since it hasn't been updated/altered in a LONG time and still uses ASL - 250 or something. So wait until after the new year when QN will be released (the successor [I like that word!!] to QX3) and then see some documentation on that.

Alex - I should probably put this in the QN forum, and I have probably said something along these lines already, but would you please include some documentation with QN on a couple of these things??
# Altering other players status/normal variables.
# Referring to other players' inventories or the players themselves. Ie, say I had a command "warp #player# to #room#", I would like to know how to refer to the player to move him.
# Any new features that have been added from Quest 3.03/3.1 and/or the previous QN.
# Admin commands..... When you are running the QX3 server, you can type in things - what are the valid commands?
# Oh, and one thing before I end the list, just something about the FUNCTIONS of QN to come, it would be nice to be able to totally control things as the server runner ---- ie, variables, inventories, locations, passwords (once you add the feature), take image (so that it stores player's locations, object's, ect.. and stores to disk - handy for when you are about to get kicked offline or you need to sleep.).

>;) I think I went a bit over the top..... and a FAR look into the future of Quest!

Computer Whizz

Pikaflare posted 09-11-2001 20:50 GMT          
Computer Whizz,
As you have pretty much covered everything there is, I have only one thing to say. None of what I mentioned will work yet, but if a version of QuestNet for 3.03 came out, it probably would. It might work now, but I messed up a few times.
