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  ASL vs QDK

Author Topic:   ASL vs QDK
babydragon posted 15-11-2001 23:55 GMT     
I know you guys who really know what you're doing probably only use the ASL scripting. I myself am of the habit of seitching back and forth between the scripting (ASL) and the gui (QDk). I get an annoying problem though, often when I save something in the script and then go and change something with the gui, the gui over-rides the changes I made in the script (when saved, changes the script back to what it was before). Are there any clever ways to switch back and forth while working on the same project and not losing your changes when you save with one? Thanx!!
Alex posted 16-11-2001 12:12 GMT          
What sort of changes is QDK overriding? It should save any code it loads without causing it to change (at least, it won't change what the code *does*, even it looks different).
babydragon posted 16-11-2001 12:37 GMT          
Uh, lets see, kinda hard to describe. Say I'm working on a quest. I've got notepad open and doing some changes to the script, which I then save. Then there is something else I want to change but I'm not sure how to change from scripting so I use the QDK gui, which I then save. When I run it after this, the changes I made in the Gui were saved, but the changes I made from notepad scripting reverted back to what they were. So, when I change something from notepad and save it, it doesn't change anything in the gui. When the gui is saved (it has not been changed by the notepad save) it reverts the script change in notepad back to what it was. That wasn't terribly clear, but if ya know what I'm talking about and have any idea how to prevent this little annoyance let me know please!

Thanx again!

Computer Whizz posted 16-11-2001 03:20 GMT          
He's got BOTH open at the same time!

What you *should* do is open up notepad, make changes, save, close notepad....
OPEN QDK, make changes, save, close QDK....
open notepad, make changes, save, close....

But if they're both open at the same time then it will only save what is in it's MEMORY and not what you've changed.
It's like sending a rugby/fottbal player out onto the field with one game strategy, changing it while he was on the field, waiting until he get's back and then complaining he didn't follow the strategy.... if you get my drift!

Computer Whizz

babydragon posted 16-11-2001 06:05 GMT          
Ah, thanks, actually I figured that out, I was just hoping there was someway around it to avoid the hassle of opening and closing all the time...
Mega posted 16-11-2001 19:20 GMT          
Actually, it's simpler than that. You don't need to close either of them. Whenever you save the file in either Notepad or QDK, it saves whatever THAT application had previously seen, plus any changes. Since they're both altering the same file, that means they need to be synchronized.
Example: Let's say you have the file open in both Notepad and QDK. Let's say you make change A to the file in Notepad, and save it. Then you make change B to the file in QDK, and save it. Change A will have disappeared, because QDK will be working with the last version of the file that IT saw -- which didn't HAVE change A.
The way to get around this is simple. Any time you make a change to the file in Notepad and save it, and you then want to make a change in QDK, you must first go into QDK and reopen the file. That way, QDK will see the changes that you made in Notepad. The same is true in reverse (reopening in Notepad after changing in QDK).
babydragon posted 17-11-2001 01:48 GMT          
ahh, Thankyou, thankyou! I should have been able to figure that out, guess I didn't really think about it that way. That will help a lot.