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  MIDI looping bug

Author Topic:   MIDI looping bug
Tyrant posted 04-01-2002 22:29 GMT     
I have encountered a bug in Quest, and it seems that MIDI looping doesn't work. First off, I don't think looping in QDK works. The music doesn't loop when I specify it in QDK, and the reason for this might be that QDK creates a "," instead of ";" if that matters. I go into the code and change it to ";loop", but I don't think that works either. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug? Also, does the music loop forever, or just it just play the music one more time?
Tyrant posted 04-01-2002 22:30 GMT          
"Also, does the music loop forever, or just it just play the music one more time?"

My bad, I meant "or does it just play", not "just it just play":-)

Alex posted 04-01-2002 22:45 GMT          
Thanks for pointing this out - I'll take a look.

I [i]hope[i] that looping means it loops forever - I didn't have a really short MIDI file when I tested things though, so I seem to recall hearing it loop once and presuming it would loop again. But I'll check it out. Cheers.

Naviris posted 22-01-2002 10:17 GMT          
Yeah, well I can't seem to get it to work for .wav's either, or the sync function, or just telling it to play one after the other cause even if I put other things in between, it just plays the last sound.

What I did find out you can do is have it play it when you enter the room and have a timer start with the length of the song, and have the timer play it at each interval. The only thing that sucks about it is that you can't do seconds like 5.4, so just make sure the song ends on an even second if you can help it.