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Author Topic:   Email
Alex posted 19-02-2002 13:20 GMT     
Once again my computer's taken a bashing (my laptop screen now only shows anything if I have it at a 45 degree angle from the keyboard, which isn't very practical) and so I won't be able to answer any emails sent to for a bit. Sorry for any inconvenience.
MaDbRiT posted 19-02-2002 19:42 GMT          
Hi Alex

Although your e-mail is down i assume you are able to read / write to the forum, so I will repeat my Quest 3.1 beta 'bug report' here.

When parsing player input, Quest seems to convert occurences of the word 'the' to a single space, rather than ignoring them. This is a pain because in order to cope with the player typing 'the' in input say:


put apple in bag, put the apple in the bag, put apple in the bag or put the apple in bag.

the user command has to be repeated like so to catch all possibilites:-


command <put #object# in #container#>
command <put #object# in #container#>
command <put #object# in #container#>
command <put #object# in #container#>

If 'the' was removed, rather than converted to a space, only the final version would be required for all possibilities.


MaDbRiT posted 19-02-2002 19:44 GMT          

I HATE the way this forum works.. LOL

In the example above, the forum code has removed the duplicated spaces I was trying to illustrate - exactly in the way I wish Quest would do...


Alex posted 20-02-2002 11:53 GMT          
Thanks for the bug report. I did actually receive your email shortly before I fatefully closed my laptop and said goodbye to the display for the last time. I will look into it... but can't until I've got my computer functioning again :)
