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  Can someone please help me with these questions?

Author Topic:   Can someone please help me with these questions?
DjMessiah12 posted 27-05-2002 01:54 BST     
Alright, I am new to this thing, so I has a a lot of question, but I will only ask a few, since I don't want to bother anyone with so many questions.
I am making an RPG that has diffrent species of creatures, and diffrent skills (i.e. ninja, warrior, babarian, majic, and so on)I was wondering how to create the species, and then skills menu, so that it asks you right after you enter your name.
The second question I have, is how do you make it so that it asks for a password, along with a username? I realize that if I put this up on the SQL server, that it would do this for me, but I am going to put it up on another server.
And the final question I have is, how do you make enemies, that you can actually battle with? I treid making characters, but the only options they have are pick up, look, or examine. Thanks.
New Creator posted 27-05-2002 14:14 BST          
I'll andwer a few questions. The best way to make species as you said is to make a menu with it then go in global settings and put in "start script:Show Menu1". Then set up a variable (species) which would be different according to what the player chooses. Then, if say ninjas are species1 and they can do action1(let's say instant kills), then code it as "IF %species%=1 then (script for action1) else print "Only ninjas can do that". I have no idea how to code that by hand! As for the battle system, It's pretty much up to you, but I tried my hand at one and her's how it ran: Use <weapon> on <enemy> (comand):then encode through the random function ($rand(a;b)$) wether you hit or not. Good luck
DjMessiah12 posted 27-05-2002 22:25 BST          
Thanks. I have two more question if you dont mind, how do you set stats for weapons, and how do ou make it so that only certain characters (this will be an online multi-player game)can use certain items, like certain weapons? Thanks again.
Computer Whizz posted 28-05-2002 00:17 BST          
Before you do anything you should do this:
Wait for the new release of QuestNet.

Then you start studying the NEW questnet additions....

Really anything you do now, will be outdated within a month (unless something horrid happens to Alex!) so it's best to wait.

To answer your questions though:
Weapon stats would be given in object properties, I don't think they're available in QuestNet yet --- and to stop various people using unappropriate weapons just add a tag in the properties again. Each user would have a variable for their species, so just add a list of the species that the weapon can be used by!

Computer Whizz