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  Room Descriptions 2

Author Topic:   Room Descriptions 2
gamer1962 posted 12-06-2002 20:29 BST     
My original message regarding room descriptions was not very clear. This is the code I would like to use for my room descriptions but I cant get it to print description where I want. The "PRINT DESCRIPTIONS HERE is not the code but it is when I would want the description to print.

description {
set string <indescription; $gettag(#quest.currentroom#;indescription)$>
set string <descrip; $gettag(#quest.currentroom#;description)$>
if is <#indescription#;> then set string <indescription; You are in>
else {
set numeric <len; $lengthof(#indescription#)$>
set numeric <len; %len%-1>
set string <indescription; $left(#indescription#;%len%)$>
msg <#indescription# |b|cl#quest.formatroom#|xb|cb.>


if not is <#quest.objects#;> then msg <You can see #quest.formatobjects#.>

Alex posted 12-06-2002 23:21 BST          
Hmm... I think the only option is to use the now undocumented, deprecated "$gettag(roomname,tagname)$" function. This is nearly obsolete in Quest 3.x due to the introduction of properties, but in circumstances like this it's the only way to get at the contents of a standard "look" tag (I think).

So, in your "PRINT DESCRIPTION HERE", try:

msg <$gettag(#quest.currentroom#;look)$>