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Author Topic:   q3ext.qlb
Thraka posted 08-08-2002 03:12 BST     
I have to type the NAME of the object when I want to interact with it. It wont accept the alias. (Like a door which is openable; its name is quarters_front_door and alias is door) I have to type quarters_front_door to get it to open. Anyone got a solution to this?
MaDbRiT posted 08-08-2002 17:09 BST          

I have to type the NAME of the object when I want to interact with it. It wont accept the alias. (Like a door which is openable; its name is quarters_front_door and alias is door) I have to type quarters_front_door to get it to open. Anyone got a solution to this?

Looking back at the code I wrote for q3ext.qlb, I think the alias ought to work... No Quest on my works PC so I cab't test it, but it sounds most bug-like to me!

I'll take a look at the code a bit more closely when I get to my own PC and can do a few tests.

You might be interested to know that I'm soon to release a NEW extension library to replace q3ext.qlb, I think this will work rather better.


Thraka posted 08-08-2002 23:23 BST          
Really?? Your q3ext.qlb is so nice I can't wait to see what you have comming to replace it!! GL!
MaDbRiT posted 09-08-2002 13:58 BST          
Hi Thraka:

Checked into the aliasing problem - and in version 4 of q3ext.qlb (which was made for Q3.0x and I think is the latest one that generally 'escaped' to authors) use of aliased names isn't implemented. I got confused with looking at code of a later version I have here :-(

The lack of alias support was a lot to do with a foible in Quest's inbuilt $getobjectname()$ function, basically you need to use this to allow aliased objects to be identified from code. Unfortunately a bug in Quest 3.0x meant that this function caused a run time error if fed an invalid variable so using it was a no no - hence no aliases.

The $getobjectname()$ bug was zapped when Quest 3.1 became available and I rewrote "Q3EXT.QLB" to become version 6, (the one I have on my working disks) but I never got around to making it available.

This was mainly because the original "Q3EXT.QLB" had too many patches made to it, was becoming a mess to read, and was really hampered by still using techniques that were forced on it by its foundation in Quest 2.0. In short it was time to re-write the whole thing!

So I started over, and "Q3EXT.QLB" will be reborn very soon as "TypeLib.QLB". It basically provides the same functionality as before, but (I hope) is rather better - it has enhancements especially in area related to 'containers' which can now have size/weight limits etc. It is also designed to be used from Q.D.K. - so it should be easier too. It does also work with aliases and "alt" names - with the exception of clothing items for which 'alias' is reserved for use by the library.

Currently "TypeLib.QLB" is very much an 'alpha' - i.e. untested and so probably very buggy. I don't think its ready for use in a general way, but if you fancy being a tester for the new lib before it 'goes public' please drop me an e-mail.
