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  What did u think of Green Light?

Author Topic:   What did u think of Green Light?
carlii posted 31-08-2002 13:03 BST     
I read two of the reviews in the main page about my new game "Green Light". I would like to really know what you all thought of it, if you've finished it or not.

Darkangel, what do you mean by the bug in the kitchen? Please elaborate. I need to know what everyone thought of it so I can make the neccessary changes!

Thanks for playing it!

Carl II

Evelsvia posted 31-08-2002 17:33 BST          
lmfao, there is no bug in the kitchen, ived played the game, and so far i have found no bugs. the game is great, lots of imagination and thought was put into it as i said on the comment review. Also, if you would like to be a staff member for Ebersmile - New Born, apply to join the NoGo Gaming team�. simply send an email to [email protected] and just put down this info.....

what staff pos you would like to be: artist/musician/map builder/programmer/writer.
And explain why you would make a good staff member.

you said you have been using qdk for years, so it will be good to have u on the team. and credit doesnt just goto the company it goes to each person on the team individualy. so far we have 1 map builder, 1 programmer (if u decide to join) and a sysop (sysops arnt really important) we need map builders more than anything to get the first town up and ready for game testing. we will then need programmers to program the leveling system, and the fighting system. i will explain clearly to the team, how i want this to work. the maps will be thought up by the map builders, not by me, the writers will think up of descriptions for the towns, items, etc themselves, and the programmers will to told how we want things done...i.e. the leveling system, you will gain exp (experience) each time u attack a monster, and when you reach a certain amount of exp you will be able to level, the programmers will have to be able to do this on there own. its hard job, but one well worth doing, we could make this game BIG :) but for the enjoyment of Quest Gamers. ;).......thanks.

DarkAng3l posted 05-09-2002 14:21 BST          
Carlii- The letters went black (or something like that), so I couldn't play. This happened the only time I played the game.


DarkAng3l posted 05-09-2002 14:25 BST          
About Ebersmile:
name: Mihalis Georgostathis
sex: Male
country: Greece
what staff pos you would like to be: map builder/writter
And explain why you would make a good staff member:
Use quest a couple years and I am a Pen and Paper RPG Game Master (Specifically in Dungeons and Dragons, Vampire: The masquerade, Mage: The Ascension and Call of Cthulhu).


DarkAng3l posted 06-09-2002 22:14 BST          
I posted a review on the game. Indeed there was no bug and I was able to finish the game.


gamer1962 posted 22-09-2002 23:59 BST          
I enjoyed it very much C. It was creative and fun