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Author Topic:   hmm
I think Im Back posted 16-12-2002 05:38 GMT     
So, I'm having trouble figuring how to change certain tags for rooms and such. After digging up my old code in which I'm certain I had made one that worked for changing room titles from in game, I can't seem to get it to work. I can re-write room descriptions, add properties, but not change the titles(indescription & alias).

I'm sure I've discussed this here before, but here it is again. If you can explain a way to get the display to work how I have it set up and be changable please offer up the code.

description {
set string <indescription; $gettag(#quest.currentroom#;indescription)$>
if is <#indescription#;> then set string <indescription; An Empty Void>
msg <[#indescription#]>
msg <#quest.lookdesc#>
if not is <#quest.formatobjects#;> then msg <You see #quest.formatobjects#.>
if not is <#quest.doorways.dirs#;> then msg <Obvious exits: #quest.doorways.dirs#> else msg <Obvious exits: none>

What I have for changing room titles is this...

command <r-rename #target-room# as #room-name#> {
property <#target-room#; indescription=$ucase(#room-name#)$>
msg <You focus intently, fiddling with the very forces of nature.|n|nYou suddenly feel as if the changes you willed have been completed.>