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  Library help

Author Topic:   Library help
Jim Jones posted 29-12-2002 10:12 GMT     
I am having a tad bit of trouble with the library i am making....

command <smell; object>
parameter <smell object; objects>
parameter <smell; text >
display <smell |cg$2|cb>

i am trying to get it so in the menu after it is selected the player can type smell #@object# and smell the object typed in...


Jim Jones

Alex posted 29-12-2002 11:56 GMT          
You don't say exactly what the problem is, but what will happen after you've written that interface part is, when the game author selects that command, the resulting ASL will be "do <smell(smell object; smell)>, where "smell object" and "smell" are the parameters typed in.

You then need to add a procedure called "smell" to your library that accepts these parameters and does whatever you want to happen when the player smells anything.

Jim Jones posted 29-12-2002 12:13 GMT          
how would I do that? i really do not know how to code librarys, and this is my first time. I do not have any fancy stuff like a visual basic compiler or anythin... so could you give me an example? thats all im running off right now...