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  I need a tutorial

Author Topic:   I need a tutorial
Shadow posted 05-02-2003 02:59 GMT     
Hello all, my name is Shadow and I am completely illitereate when it comes to even the simplest of programming or so it would seem. I have been trying desperately to come up with a game. I know what I want to do, I have the ideas floating in my head, written in notebooks and scribble upon the various multicolored post it notes that line my apartment walls. I just don't know how to go about putting it into a game. I have the rooms figured out and that much I have done. I know how to add the objects to the rooms. Unfortunately I am not sure where to go from there. In my first room I have an object called 'a plain wooden door'. I want this object to be openable and closeable. How do I do that? Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Programming illiterate,
Adji posted 05-02-2003 19:56 GMT          
I am fairly new here to, so i will help you best i can, no doubt alex or madbrit will come alongto correct me.


Click on the room where the door is situated. Now click on the misc. tab, and then the edit custom player commands tab. Now press on the 'add' tab and type in the information you want, such as, ''open door''. The script to run should go something like this: 'you open up the heavy wooden door'

Next you will need to create an object in the room such as 'open door' and make it UNAVAILABLE. Now head back to the room properties, misc, edit custom player commands, and edit ''open''.

you will now need t create another room, exactly the same as the original but instead of door, as an object, have open door. Now head abck into the custom player commands editor, and lets edit the run script.

This is the simplest part. First after typing in the standard, you hasve opened the door. Press okay and then edit.
Click on the ROOMS tab and then 'move the playerto another room' scroll down until you find the room i just told you to create and select that, now press okay.

Make sure that the room i told you to create has the direction NORTH accessible, this will act as the passageway through the door.

All should be working now. If you have an e-mail adress pleas let me have it either here, or send it to [email protected] I will then reply and sendm you my very basic tutorial for you to copy form as a saved game which you can edit and fiddle around with. There is probably a simpler way to do this using ASL, but thisnis the way that i use.

Hope that helped. :)

Shadow posted 06-02-2003 01:28 GMT          
Thankyou so very much :) My e-mail is [email protected] and I appreciate all the help that everyone is giving me.
Shadow :D
Shadow posted 06-02-2003 02:07 GMT          
I am finally getting somewhere! yay! Now I have another question (aren't I a pest?). I want to create a fairy that *poof* apears out of nowhere. Here is what I want it to do:

You are in Character Creation: The Border of Reality
You have just stepped from reality into the world of E'tanalesia. As you step across the thin border that separates fantasy from the real world, you realize that you are no longer you but someone completely different. The room you are in is small and unfurnished yet it harbors and extremely cozy feeling. The walls seem to glow with an unnatural light and seem to be the only light source in the room. To the north you see a plain wooden door that seems to be the only way out.

A tiny glowing fairy appears out of nowhere, her giggles catching your attention! She looks you over, nods approvingly and says "Hello, my name is Felia? What is yours?" She tilts her head at you, her face bright with her enthusiasm.

I don't want the fairy to show up in the room description until after it *poof* appears out of nowhere. I know that I will have to create an object/npc named Felia and initially have it hidden before hand. Also I do not want the characters to leave the room before Felia does. The point of her being there is to lead the players through character creation. (I want to add races, classes, etc). Once I figure this out I am hopeing to make it a multiplayer game :).

Thankyou all again,

Shadow posted 06-02-2003 03:50 GMT          
Yes, I have yet another question. *hears the booing and hissing in the background*. Is there a way to keep the room information from redisplaying after you go through the door? I want it to seem like you never really left the room in the first place even though the room descriptions are identical. I am not sure if that makes any sence :-s
Computer Whizz posted 07-02-2003 19:32 GMT          
Maybe somewhere in the game settings there's a setting to put "room descriptions" from one setting to another - or to override the default settings?
As I haven't got QDK on my machine right now I can't test this out... Sorry!

On your fairy Question:
On the players entry to a room make it run a script. Testing to see if a variable is on or not (1 to 0) and then running some script so it goes through the description of the room - then moves the fairy to the room, then set's the variable (tested for above) to 1.

If you can understand MY explaination that is (and normally no one does)!

Computer Whizz