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Author Topic:   quest games
Evelsvia posted 02-12-2002 03:14 GMT     
does anybody host any of their games on questnet? if so give me details on how to connect and ill play the games with you :)
Evelsvia posted 12-12-2002 20:42 GMT          
i take it this means that nobody does..... :S its kinda strange because questnet is out, yet nobody uses it, maybe coz it dont work, and thats kinda strange :S
Computer Whizz posted 12-12-2002 23:41 GMT          
Well really it's because very few people code Quest games really. Even fewer of them by hand. Even fewer then THOSE code for QuestNet. And even fewer than THOSE have ASDL, which is really needed for QuestNet to be used to it's full - otherwise you'd be constantly updating your IP number somewhere on the net and forever giving the message "This game will be shutting down shortly - I hope you had a good time. Try and get further next time you start from level 1".
Also I don't think too many people have a computer on 24/7 and the ability to stop crashes.

I'll be looking into making a fighting game over the Xmas holidays...
But other than that a multi-player RPG is on the most part impossible, while multi-user dungeons are quite possible and plausible. But there wouldn't be any storyline and it'd probably be (to mis-quote Al) "a quick-fire fight-fest".

Computer Whizz

MaDbRiT posted 13-12-2002 21:18 GMT          
Questnet is a good idea that is kind of struggling to get off the ground. There are no games because there are no players and no one wants to spend aged writing a game if there are no players.

What came first, the Chicken or the Egg?

The technical demands of hosting a QuestNet game are out of realistic reach of most of us too - even if I wrote a QuestNet game, I couldn't "serve" it - I just don't have the facilities.

I'm guessing most of us who could write a QuestNet game are in the same boat here


MaDbRiT posted 13-12-2002 21:20 GMT          
I wrote the following nonsense...


There are no games because there are no players and no one wants to spend aged writing a game if there are no players.

I MEANT to write...

There are no players because there are no games and no one wants to spend aged writing a game if there are no players.

That makes more sense - sorry

Computer Whizz posted 14-12-2002 00:31 GMT          
"I wrote the following nonsense..."

I got the point Al : )

I guess the only way to host the game was if it was a kind of "tournament" version of the released game, and it had a web-site with a (I think an ideal example:) count-down timer to the next tournament, with different "rooms", a scoreboard, ect...

Also, I don't think QuestNet has the most important feature yet - username/password abilities. Without these it's impossible to make sure players have the correct settings/items ect... From the last time they played the game. Also a sevrer type QSG-file where it saves players info - their stats, their locations ect...

This will require ALOT of attention to really get off the ground. I suggest Alex concentrate on Quest first, then once the major stuff is there, get to QuestNet and concentrate on that...

Computer Whizz

bjbest posted 14-12-2002 09:07 GMT          
It's easier to host a server if you have a cable modem (points to himself). I have an IP that's constant and my computer is virtually always on. This doesn't guard against crashes, but I could host a server probably 99% of the time.

This being said, I'm willing to host a game if anyone's interested in writing one. All you'd have to do is send me the ASL.

But CW is right, the biggest issue right now is the utter lack of a "save" feature--there's no convenient way to record statistics, inventories, etc., and allow a player to log off and log back on later to resume exactly where they left off. This feature has been discussed in another thread, here: .

My solution to the lack of a save feature is to have a returning user simply enter in some sort of code that would be descrambled by a script and then restore the proper variables. If you have an RPG, you need to store, say, hit points, experience, and gold, at a minimum. So if you just have a returning user at the beginning of a game type in CODE NUM1 NUM2 NUM3, you'd be able to at least reconstruct those stats.

Inventory is trickier. My thought, again in an RPG scenario, is that you only keep track of (and only allow the player to have) 2 things: a weapon and some armor. You can have up to eight options available for each, but the player can only store one at a time. You use a two-digit number to represent the status of the inventory: armor is the first digit, weapon is the second. The number 1 for both means that the player didn't have that particular item. So, a code of 11 means no armor, no weapon. Numbers 2-9 all represent different items. So a code of 12 means no armor, knife as a weapon. 22 means leather armor, knife as a weapon, and so on. You then run a script that gives the player the appropriate items at the beginning of the game.

This is definitely not ideal, but it would be a start.

MaDbRiT posted 14-12-2002 09:56 GMT          
bjbest wrote;

It's easier to host a server if you have a cable modem (points to himself). I have an IP that's constant and my computer is virtually always on. This doesn't guard against crashes, but I could host a server probably 99% of the time.


CW is right, the biggest issue right now is the utter lack of a "save" feature--there's no convenient way to record statistics, inventories, etc.,

Well I've a 1Mbps 'broadband' connection - but frankly I can't allow my machine to be on 24/7 JUST to serve a Quest game (I need it for too many other things, some of them critical to my work) and I'd definitely want to dedicate a separate PC to do nothing but have the Quest game running on it - I don't need the security hassles of trying to protect other stuff on my principal machine!

The lack of 'save' in QuestNet is a little bit problematical, but far from impossible to work around. My solution at this stage would be to create a "passcode" that the player is given on leaving the game, which when re-input on rejoining the game is decoded to leave him where he was before. It would be a fairly cryptic code - (a bit like a MS CD-Key) and probably rather long, but not that hard to code really.


Computer Whizz posted 14-12-2002 13:30 GMT          
Well, it would depend on it's size I guess...

If you had 5 items, 5 rooms and only a couple of stats then yes - you could mangle them up into a pretty short 10 or less code.

Possibly random codes for various states (don't forget their health now). Ie 45guhR5 for a guy with a primitive sword, full health in the start room. 34jbn03G97Cc for a guy with low health, but great armour and weaponry, with a key. and 2fF for a guy with full health all items and in 5th room.

I know these code's aren't what you (bjbest) had in mind - but it makes the game hack-ish proof. Meaning people can't really fool around with the numbers/letters to get better stuff.

But if you had a giant game with 1000+ rooms, then still with 5 items and 5 choices of health you're talking of alot of different code's you're talking about... Think with MORE than 5 items and some money involved, plus a numerical health meter, this would not be good for pass-codes.

This method would be good for other games, but not MUD-type games nor multi-RPG's.

Computer Whizz

Evelsvia posted 15-12-2002 20:22 GMT          
so the point of QuestNet is?......
Computer Whizz posted 16-12-2002 02:01 GMT          
to.... Creat multi-player text games.

This *is* restricted a bit since it IS a text game, but you can get a huge variety of stuff I guess.

Computer Whizz

I think Im Back posted 16-12-2002 02:35 GMT          
I have a cable modem. I've also figured out a decent way to store passwords(nothing as fancy as encrpyted or anything, but it'll store character id's pw's items and such).
If I go back a few cd's to my quest files I can drudge it up. work on it in the middle of the night and get something going on with my cable modem. It'd probably only be able to be a social rpg, but I've got the ability to create a small world and have players be able to add to it if they want. I suppose a random monster type of generation could be dreamt up,(probably really easy if you name all rooms a number example... room's #100-199 is the 99 rooms that make up a small village, could have monsters only gen in a haunted part of town by limiting to those numbers chosen randomly and only at the end of a timer). I could definitely get a social rpg up though, my pc isn't the stablest, but I've got a static IP.

It would definitely be cool for folks to pool their resources and have some kind of online community or something.

Evelsvia posted 18-12-2002 22:29 GMT          
so u think that u could make it so we can add rooms? if thats the case you are the man i need, coz i was trying to make ebersmile - new born, and nobody knew how to do that. its so we could have staff to make maps as well as the creator. and so players can make clan houses, and other stuff. i also have 24/7 cable internet, and a 1mb broadband, so i can help out if you like.
Computer Whizz posted 19-12-2002 00:41 GMT          
in "normal" quest you can have create room very easily (IIRC).

The good (IMO) way to do it would be to have a blank room, named "BlankRoom", with NO detail whatsoever.
When the player types "create #roomname#" then just clone "BlankRoom" and give it the Alias "#RoomName#".
After that the choice is up to you how to add it to the current room (putting it as an Exit? Assigning it to North/Sounth/East/West), and let the players customise the properties of the room.

Also, how did you get the game to SAVE the data?

Computer Whizz