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  questnet question

Author Topic:   questnet question
backfyre posted 04-12-2002 22:51 GMT     
ok here's my problem. i started coding an rpg for quest then i saw that you can download a server to take it online. I know how to make a script command on quest, I've done it and got it to work, but when i tryed it on questnet nothing shows up can someone tell me how to write a script command on questnet.
Alex posted 05-12-2002 18:35 GMT          
What exactly have you done so far? Remember the QuestNet Server window is just a window for administering the server - you can't play the game from that window. To play the game, start up Quest and select the Network tab, then connect to localhost.
backfyre posted 05-12-2002 23:46 GMT          
i know that but to code a script in questnet is a lot different it says to coding one in quest. in quest i use
script {
and that works. But in questnet that doesnt work so i was wondering what the code is you would write to make a script
backfyre posted 05-12-2002 23:58 GMT          
see i got it to were in quest when you type in the command stats it shows something like this when you type in the information about your character.

name: name
age: age
eyes: eyes
hair: hair
nose: nose
chin: chin
lips: lips

and when you type in the command look at me it shows up as

you are [name] you have [eyes] eyes set above a [nose] nose, [lips] lips and a [chin] chin.

but when i start up questnet and go into the game and try that i can still type those commands to come up but all the info wont come up because the script wont work.

Alex posted 06-12-2002 14:02 GMT          
Please email your ASL file to me at [email protected] and I'll see if there's something wrong with your script, or a bug in QuestNet.
Evelsvia posted 09-12-2002 16:18 GMT          
hmmmm, an RPG game made with quest. where have i seen this before.....



Computer Whizz posted 10-12-2002 13:02 GMT          

Erm, what ELSE are you really going to do with a text game?

Computer Whizz

backfyre posted 19-12-2002 16:54 GMT          
thanks a lot alex that really explained a lot why that script didnt work. ok another question. on my quest game i have a command in that same script that alows you to enter your name and i have synonyms for it. in questnet that name wouldnt appear in my stats unless i typed the look at command. ok i think that sounded a little confusing. ok i have it like this

name: #@player#

and the name doesnt show up untill i type the look at command for some reason. another thing how can you make synoyms for the @player so you could type look at me or look at self or look at myself instead of typing look at @player

Alex posted 19-12-2002 19:34 GMT          
I can't find that particular bit in the ASL file you sent me - could you send me your latest version please?

I have now implemented the "enter" command in the latest development version of QuestNet Server (the forthcoming Beta 2). One thing that will need changing is you script is this: when you use the enter command, you use simple variable names like "weight". These will need to be changed into arrays in QuestNet Server, otherwise when other players connect they will overwrite the values of the previous player. Changing "enter <weight>" to "enter <weight[userid]>" will do the trick.

bjbest posted 20-12-2002 05:29 GMT          
Re: <enter> command

Thanks, Alex! It will make interfacing with the user in an RPG a lot easier.