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  Some Questnet Issues (RPG coding)

Author Topic:   Some Questnet Issues (RPG coding)
bjbest posted 16-12-2002 05:57 GMT     
I've been trying my hand at coding a traditional-style RPG for QuestNet (I know, aren't we all), and I'm hitting some walls. I'm not sure if these count as bugs or just as features that are in Quest that haven't been implemented in QuestNet.

*The "enter" script command ("Enter next command into string variable" in QDK) doesn't work for me in QuestNet. For my RPG, this is a crucial command. Currently, I have it scripted so that whenever you walk into certain rooms, you have an x% chance of being attacked by a monster. When you are attacked, you move into "battle mode," which essentially gives you only four options: (A)ttack, (S)pell, (I)tem, or (R)un away. These are the only four actions I want a player to be able to use during a battle (just typing SOUTH to leave the room anytime you get confronted with scary monsters doesn't seem very much in the spirit of an RPG; nor does LOOK AT TABLE seem like a terribly useful command when rabid mutants are pummelling you). So I thought taking the player's next command and using at as a string (rather than an actual command) was the best way to accomplish this. Perhaps someone better at programming than I can figure out a way around this?

*Status variables aren't implemented (or at least the status variable window isn't implemented). I think for something like an RPG, a status window is crucial for giving vital stats like hit points, magic points, gold, and experience.

*It'd be neat for the #quest.currentroom# variable to take on an array format for QuestNet, much like the way #quest.command[userid]# is now. I'd like to be able to move my monsters as an object into the same room as the player who is fighting them, but unfortunately without the userid array, I have no way of guaranteeing they'll go to the right place if more than one person is playing the game. Right now my monsters are virtual, only being described, which is okay, but I imagine there'd be other uses for a #quest.currentroom[userid]# variable as well.

The lack of an "enter" command really has me stymied, so I'd appreciate some help on rethinking how to do a battle. The other two issues I can at least work around.

Incidentally, I should mention that everything I've programmed works as it should in Quest, so I'm positive it's the implementation of QuestNet. I also understand that there a few ASL differences in QuestNet, but I've read the documentation and I don't think any of these three items are affected by that.
