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Gautier UK posted 11-04-2003 23:30 BST     
i was wondering if anybody can proof read my ASL, and tell me why the character generator isnt working properly...


' "Feudal-Online"
' Created with QDK 3.12

define game <Feudal-Online>
asl-version <311>
start <Tavern (Carbralos)>
game author <Squiggle UK>
game version <BETA 1.0>
game copyright <� 1999-2003 Squiggle UK>
game info <Created with ASL 3>
default fontname <Verdana>
startscript {
set string <nameconfirm; yes>
command </status> helpmsg <|cgName: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$|cg|n|nStrength: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Strength)$|cg|nIntellect: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Intellect)$|cg|nAgility: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Agility)$|cg|nEndurance: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Endurance)$|cg|nKnowledge: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Knowledge)$|cg|nCharisma: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Charisma)$|n---------------------------|cg|nRace: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Race)$|cg|nClass: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Class)$|cg|nAlignment: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Alignment)$|cg|nSect: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Sect)$|n---------------------------|cg|nHP: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; HP)$|cg|nMP: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; MP)$|cb|n>
command </profile>
command </edit profile>
command <help> helpmsg <Soon to be installed...>
end define

define synonyms
end define

define room <Character Generator>
indescription < >
script {
msg <|jc|cl|b|s16Feudal|s00|xb|cb>
do <Name>
command <roll> {
property <player%userid%; Strength=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Intellect=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Agility=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Endurance=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Knowledge=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Charisma=$rand(8;21)$>
if ( %Endurance% <= 16 ) then set <HP; 20>
if ( %Endurance% >= 17 ) then set <HP; 25>
if ( %Knowledge% <= 16 ) then set <MP; 12>
if ( %Knowledge% >= 17 ) then set <MP; 20>
msg <|clYour stats are now.....|cg|n|nStrength - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Strength)$|cg|nIntellect - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Intellect)$|cg|nAgility - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Agility)$|cg|nEndurance - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Endurance)$|cg|nKnowledge - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Knowledge)$|cg|nCharisma - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Charisma)$|cg|n|cb>
msg <|n|b|cl|iRe-Roll?|xb|cb|xi (yes/no)|n>
command </name> do <Name>
command </continue> do <race>
command </race> do <race>
command </next> do <class>
command </class> do <class>
command </finish> do <roll>
command <yes> exec <roll>
command <no> goto <Tavern (Carbralos)>
end define

define room <Tavern (Carbralos)>
alias <Tavern>
prefix <you are in the>
indescription <:>
east <Path 1 (Carbralos)>
command </look> msg <Tavern: The Tavern is the local pub. New comers tend to come to this pub for help, or directions. You can exit the pub East onto the Path.>

define object <Kederran>
alias <Kederran>
look msg <Kederran is tall. He is wearing soft boots, white apron, gray coat and gray trousers.>
speak msg <|cgKederran: |cb"What you havin'?">
examine msg <|bKederran (Innkeeper)|xb, male, 64 years old, 193 cm, 80 kg, short black wavey hair, green-brown eyes|n|bClothes:|xb soft boots, white apron, gray coat and gray trousers Wealth: Average >
displaytype <Inkeeper>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define

end define

define room <Path 1 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 2 (Carbralos)>
west <Tavern (Carbralos)>
end define

define room <Path 2 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 1 (Carbralos)>
east <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
end define

define room <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Armor Shop (Carbralos)>
south <Clinic (Carbralos)>
east <Path 4 (Carbralos)>
west <Path 2 (Carbralos)>
end define

define room <Path 4 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Bridge (Carbralos)>
west <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
end define

define room <Path 5 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Gatehouse>
south <Bridge (Carbralos)>
end define

define room <Clinic (Carbralos)>
alias <Clinic>
prefix <You are in a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
end define

define room <Armor Shop (Carbralos)>
alias <Armor Shop>
prefix <You are in the>
indescription <:>
south <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
west <Weapons Shop (Carbralos)>
command </item list> msg <|cl|s14Armor|s00|cb|nCap|nQuilted Armor of balance|nBuckler|nLeather Gloves|nBoots|n|ntype |cr/buy [item]|cb to buy your item. Remember, you can only wear 1 piece of clothing at a time. i.e. you cant wear a leather vest and a hard leather vest at the same time.>

define object <Ralloff>
alias <Ralloff>
speak msg <|cgRalloff: |cbWelcome to the Carbralos Armor shop. Type |cr/item list |cbto view a list of items you can buy here.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define

define object <Thomas>
alias <Thomas>
speak msg <|cgRalloff: |cbYes?>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define

end define

define room <Weapons Shop (Carbralos)>
alias <Weapons Shop>
prefix <You are in the>
indescription <:>
east <Armor Shop (Carbralos)>

define object <Barrum>
alias <Barrum>
look msg <Barrum is a retired Barbarian. He is VERY tall and VERY tough. You feel the need to rush.>
speak msg <|cgBarrum: |cb|bBuy the weapon or leave!|xb.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define

end define

define room <Bridge (Carbralos)>
alias <Bridge>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 5 (Carbralos)>
south <Path 4 (Carbralos)>
end define

define room <Gatehouse>
alias <Gatehouse>
prefix <You are standing at the>
indescription <:>
north <Path 1 (wood)>
south <Path 5 (Carbralos)>

define object <Guard2>
alias <Guard>
look msg <Tall, broad, and ready for any trouble.>
speak msg <|cgGuard: |cbNot at the moment im on duty.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define

end define

define room <Path 1 (wood)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 2 (wood)>
south <Gatehouse>
end define

define room <Path 2 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 3 (wood)>
south <Path 1 (wood)>
end define

define room <Path 3 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 2 (wood)>
east <fence (to alavarin)>
west <Path 4 (wood)>
end define

define room <Path 4 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 5 (wood)>
east <Path 3 (wood)>
end define

define room <Path 5 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 6 (wood)>
south <Path 4 (wood)>
end define

define room <Path 6 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 7 (wood)>
south <Path 5 (wood)>
command <n> goto <Path 7 (wood)>
end define

define room <Path 7 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 6 (wood)>
west <Path 8 (wood)>
end define

define room <Path 8 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 7 (wood)>
west <Path 9 (wood)>
end define

define room <Path 9 (wood)>
alias <Worn Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 10 (wood)>
east <Path 8 (wood)>
west <Farmers House (wood)>
end define

define room <Path 10 (wood)>
alias <Muddy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 9 (wood)>
west <Gate (wood)>
script {
lose <Metal Key>
conceal <Metal Key>
end define

define room <Farmers House (wood)>
alias <Farmers House>
prefix <You are in the>
look <Not a good place to be.|n|n|cgFarmer: |cbGET OUTTA HERE!!!>
indescription <:>
east <Path 9 (wood)>
west <Pig House (wood)>

define object <Farmer>
alias <Farmer>
look msg <Old, Grumpy, the usual 'farmer looking' kind of person.>
speak msg <I dont think you should stay and chat.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <Them>
gender <He>
end define

end define

define room <Pig House (wood)>
alias <Pig House>
prefix <You are standing in the>
look <|cgPig: |cbOINK!>
indescription <:>
east <Farmers House (wood)>

define object <Pig1>
alias <Pig>
look msg <Pink and Fat>
speak msg <Looks like this pig is in no talking mood.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <it>
end define

define object <Pig2>
alias <Pig>
look msg <Pink and Fat>
speak msg <Looks like this pig is in no talking mood.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <it>
end define

end define

define room <Gate (wood)>
alias <Gate>
prefix <You are at the>
look <use the metal key that is chained to the gate to open it (this will appear in your inventory).>
indescription <: to the Barn>
east <Path 10 (wood)>
script {
reveal <Metal Key>
give <Metal Key>

define object <Metal Key>
alias <Metal Key>
look msg <Plain metal gate key>
examine msg <Plain metal gate key>
displaytype <Key>
article <it>
gender <it>
use on <Gate> goto <Barn (wood)>
end define

define object <Gate>
alias <Gate>
look msg <Wooden Gate. Can be opened with the metal key.>
examine msg <A large wooden Gate that can be open only by the metal key, or if you climb over it (i doubt you will do that).>
displaytype <Gate>
article <it>
gender <it>
use <Metal Key> goto <Barn (wood)>
end define

end define

define room <Barn (wood)>
alias <Barn>
prefix <You are in a large>
indescription <:>
east <Gate open (from barn only) (wood)>
script {
lose <Metal Key>
conceal <Metal Key>

define object <Owl>
alias <Owl>
look msg <White and fluffy.>
speak msg <|cgOwl: |cbTwitTwoooo>
displaytype <NPC>
article <it>
gender <it>
end define

end define

define room <Gate open (from barn only) (wood)>
alias <Gate>
prefix <You are at a>
look <The gate is open from when u last opened it.|nThere is a notice that reads....|n|n|s20 |crPLEASE CLOSE THE GATE|s00 |cb>
indescription <:>
east <Path 10 (wood)>
west <Barn (wood)>

define object <Metal Key (open gate)>
alias <Metal Key>
look msg <Plain metal Gate Key>
examine msg <Plain Metal Gate Key>
displaytype <Gate Key>
article <it>
gender <it>
end define

define object <Open Gate>
displaytype <Open Gate>
article <it>
gender <it>
end define

end define

define room <fence (to alavarin)>
alias <Fence>
prefix <You are at the>
look <The town of Alavarin is |bEast|xb>
indescription <:>
east <path 1 (alavarin)>
west <Path 3 (wood)>
end define

define room <path 1 (alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on the >
look <This is the enterance to Alavarin. Its rumored that the great Gods live in the town.>
indescription <:>
east <Path 2 (Alavarin)>
west <fence (to alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 2 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 3 (Alavarin)>
west <path 1 (alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 3 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 4 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 2 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 4 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 3 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Tavern (Alavarin)>
south <Path 10 (Alavarin)>
east <Path 6 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 4 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 6 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 7 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 7 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 8 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 6 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 8 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 9 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 7 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 9 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north msg <|b|crPlease enter password|cb|xb>
south msg <|b|crPlease enter password|cb|xb>
west <Path 8 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 10 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 11 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 11 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 10 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 12 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 12 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 11 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 13 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 13 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 12 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 14 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 14 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 13 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 15 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 15 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 14 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 16 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 16 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 15 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 21 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 17 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Weapons Shop (Alavarin)>
east <Path 18 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 18 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 19 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 17 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 19 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Armor Shop (Alavarin)>
east <Path 20 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 18 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 20 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 21 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 19 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 21 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 16 (Alavarin)>
east <Path 22 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 20 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 22 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 23 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 21 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 23 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Clinic (Alavarin)>
east <Path 24 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 22 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 24 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 25 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 23 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path 25 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Food Shop (Alavarin)>
east <Entrance to cave (alavarin)>
west <Path 24 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Entrance to cave (alavarin)>
alias <Cave Enterance>
prefix <You are at the enterance of a>
look <or |bDown|xb into the Cave.>
indescription <:>
west <Path 25 (Alavarin)>
command <d> goto <Path (cave 1)>

define object <Guard>
alias <Guard>
look msg <Tall, broad, and ready for any trouble.>
speak msg <|cgGuard: |cbNot at the moment im on duty.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define

end define

define room <Tavern (Alavarin)>
alias <Alavarin Tavern>
prefix <You are in the>
indescription <:>
south <Path 5 (Alavarin)>

define object <Bartender2>
alias <Bartender>
look msg <The Bartender is big and tough, but cheerful. He looks like he has everything in control, and looks relaxed.>
speak msg <|cgBartender: |cb"What you 'aving?">
examine msg <The Bartender wears lace shoes, a tattered shirt, and light brown trousers. He is also wearing a hat, and has a cloth on his left shoulder.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define

end define

define room <Weapons Shop (Alavarin)>
alias <Weapons Shop>
prefix <You are in a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 17 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Armor Shop (Alavarin)>
alias <Armor Shop>
prefix <You are in an>
indescription <:>
south <Path 19 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Clinic (Alavarin)>
alias <Clinic>
prefix <You are in a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 23 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Food Shop (Alavarin)>
alias <Food Shop>
prefix <You are in a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 25 (Alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
look <or |bUp|xb to the Cave Enterance>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)2>
south <Path (cave 1)14>
command <u> goto <Entrance to cave (alavarin)>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)2>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)3>
south <Path (cave 1)>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)3>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)4>
south <Path (cave 1)2>
east <Path (cave 1)8>
west <Path (cave 1)7>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)4>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
south <Path (cave 1)3>
east <Path (cave 1)6>
west <Path (cave 1)5>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)5>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)4>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)6>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
west <Path (cave 1)4>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)7>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)3>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)8>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
west <Path (cave 1)3>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)9>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
south <Path (cave 1)10>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)10>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)9>
east <Path (cave 1)11>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)11>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)12>
west <Path (cave 1)10>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)12>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)13>
west <Path (cave 1)11>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)13>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)14>
west <Path (cave 1)12>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)14>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)>
east <Path (cave 1)15>
west <Path (cave 1)13>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)15>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)16>
west <Path (cave 1)14>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)16>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)17>
west <Path (cave 1)15>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)17>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)18>
west <Path (cave 1)16>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)18>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)19>
south <Path (cave 1)17>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)19>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
south <Path (cave 1)18>
east <Path (cave 1)20>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)20>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)21>
west <Path (cave 1)19>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)21>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
south <Path (cave 1)20>
east <Path (cave 1)22>
end define

define room <Path (cave 1)22>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
west <Path (cave 1)21>
command <d> msg <|cr|s30YOU NEED FULL VERSION TO GO THIS FAR|cb |s00>
end define

define procedure <Name>
msg <|n|jlPlease choose a name for your character:>
property <player%userid%; name>
do <Nameconfirm>

end define

define procedure <roll>
msg <|n|nType |cr|b|iRoll|xi|xb|cb to start rolling your statistics.|n>

end define

define procedure <Nameconfirm>
msg <|nSo you are |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$|cb. Type |cg/Name|cb if this is incorrect.|n>
msg <Type |cg/continue|cb if this is Right>

end define

define procedure <race>
msg <|nPlease choose a Race:|n|n|cgHuman|nElf|nHalf-Elf|nDwarf|nGnome|nKender|nHobbit|nOrc|nHalf-Orc|n|cb|n>
enter <race>
do <raceconfirm>

end define

define procedure <raceconfirm>
msg <So you are $objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$, the $objectproperty(player%userid%; race)$. If this is incorrect, type |cg/race|cb.|n|nType |cg/next|cb if this is right.>

end define

define procedure <class>
msg <|nPlease choose a class:|n|n|cgCavalier|nFighter|nPaladin|nThief|nAssassin|nIllusionist|nMage|nCleric|nMonk|nDruid|nRanger|cb|n|n>
enter <class>
do <classconfirm>

end define

define procedure <classconfirm>
msg <So you are $objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$, the $objectproperty(player%userid%; race)$ $objectproperty(player%userid%; class)$ Type |cg/class|cb if this is incorrect.|n|nType |cg/finish|cb is this is right.>

end define

define procedure <gender>
msg <|nPlease choose a gender:|n|n|cgMale|nFemale|cb>
enter <gender>
do <genderconfirm>

end define

define procedure <genderconfirm>
msg <|nSo you are $objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$, The $objectproperty(player%userid%; gender)$ $objectproperty(player%userid%; race)$ $objectproperty(player%userid%; class)$. Type |cg/gender|cb if this is incorrect.|n|nType |cg/start|cb if this is correct.>

end define

define text <intro>

end define

define text <win>

end define

define text <lose>

end define

Gautier UK posted 12-04-2003 12:22 BST          
i think its just the bottom bit of code and the top bit of code...the rooms are ok, there is nothing wrong with them
Gautier UK posted 12-04-2003 14:09 BST          
ive changed it slightly now...its getting all confusing tho. if anybody can help me out, ill send them the ASL file, and they can change it to the correct code for me.


' "Feudal-Online"

!include <net.lib>

define game <Feudal-Online>
asl-version <311>
start <Character Generator>
game author <Squiggle UK>
game version <BETA 0.1>
game info <Created with QDK 3.12>
startscript {
msg <Feudal-Online successfully loaded...|n>
do <race>
player startscript msg <Welcome $name(%userid%)$, to Feudal-Online.|n>
end define

define synonyms
end define

define room <Character Generator>
script do <race>
end define

define room <Tavern (Carbralos)>
alias <Tavern>
prefix <you are in the>
indescription <:>
east <Path 1 (Carbralos)>
command </look> msg <Tavern: The Tavern is the local pub. New comers tend to come to this pub for help, or directions. You can exit the pub East onto the Path.>

define object <Kederran>
alias <Kederran>
look msg <Kederran is tall. He is wearing soft boots, white apron, gray coat and gray trousers.>
speak msg <|cgKederran: |cb"What you havin'?">
examine msg <|bKederran (Innkeeper)|xb, male, 64 years old, 193 cm, 80 kg, short black wavey hair, green-brown eyes|n|bClothes:|xb soft boots, white apron, gray coat and gray trousers Wealth: Average >
displaytype <Inkeeper>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define

end define


define procedure <roll>
msg <|n|nType |cr|b|iRoll|xi|xb|cb to start rolling your statistics.|n>

end define

define procedure <race>
msg <|nPlease choose a Race:|n|n|cgHuman|nElf|nHalf-Elf|nDwarf|nGnome|nKender|nHobbit|nOrc|nHalf-Orc|n|cb|n>
enter <race>
do <raceconfirm>

end define

define procedure <raceconfirm>
msg <So you are $name(%userid%)$, the $race(%userid%)$. If this is incorrect, type |cg/race|cb.|n|nType |cg/next|cb if this is right.>

end define

define procedure <class>
msg <|nPlease choose a class:|n|n|cgCavalier|nFighter|nPaladin|nThief|nAssassin|nIllusionist|nMage|nCleric|nMonk|nDruid|nRanger|cb|n|n>
enter <class>
do <classconfirm>

end define

define procedure <classconfirm>
msg <So you are $name(%userid%)$, the $race(%userid%)$ $class(%userid%)$. Type |cg/class|cb if this is incorrect.|n|nType |cg/finish|cb is this is right.>

end define

define procedure <gender>
msg <|nPlease choose a gender:|n|n|cgMale|nFemale|cb>
enter <gender>
do <genderconfirm>

end define

define procedure <genderconfirm>
msg <|nSo you are $name(%userid%)$, The $gender(%userid%)$ $race(%userid%)$ $class(%userid%)$. Type |cg/gender|cb if this is incorrect.|n|nType |cg/start|cb if this is correct.>

end define

define text <intro>

end define

define text <win>

end define

define text <lose>

end define

define options
servermsg off
welcome off
end define


thats what i got now.... =S

Gautier UK posted 12-04-2003 14:54 BST          
i noticed i put do <race> in the start script instead of the player startscript, ive corrected that now, but i think its just the procedures that need correcting now, because they are wrong.