posted 11-04-2003 23:30 BST
i was wondering if anybody can proof read my ASL, and tell me why the character generator isnt working properly...[hr]
' "Feudal-Online"
' Created with QDK 3.12
define game <Feudal-Online>
asl-version <311>
start <Tavern (Carbralos)>
game author <Squiggle UK>
game version <BETA 1.0>
game copyright <� 1999-2003 Squiggle UK>
game info <Created with ASL 3>
default fontname <Verdana>
startscript {
set string <nameconfirm; yes>
command </status> helpmsg <|cgName: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$|cg|n|nStrength: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Strength)$|cg|nIntellect: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Intellect)$|cg|nAgility: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Agility)$|cg|nEndurance: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Endurance)$|cg|nKnowledge: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Knowledge)$|cg|nCharisma: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Charisma)$|n---------------------------|cg|nRace: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Race)$|cg|nClass: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Class)$|cg|nAlignment: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Alignment)$|cg|nSect: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Sect)$|n---------------------------|cg|nHP: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; HP)$|cg|nMP: |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; MP)$|cb|n>
command </profile>
command </edit profile>
command <help> helpmsg <Soon to be installed...>
end define
define synonyms
end define
define room <Character Generator>
indescription < >
script {
msg <|jc|cl|b|s16Feudal|s00|xb|cb>
do <Name>
command <roll> {
property <player%userid%; Strength=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Intellect=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Agility=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Endurance=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Knowledge=$rand(8;21)$>
property <player%userid%; Charisma=$rand(8;21)$>
if ( %Endurance% <= 16 ) then set <HP; 20>
if ( %Endurance% >= 17 ) then set <HP; 25>
if ( %Knowledge% <= 16 ) then set <MP; 12>
if ( %Knowledge% >= 17 ) then set <MP; 20>
msg <|clYour stats are now.....|cg|n|nStrength - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Strength)$|cg|nIntellect - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Intellect)$|cg|nAgility - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Agility)$|cg|nEndurance - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Endurance)$|cg|nKnowledge - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Knowledge)$|cg|nCharisma - |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; Charisma)$|cg|n|cb>
msg <|n|b|cl|iRe-Roll?|xb|cb|xi (yes/no)|n>
command </name> do <Name>
command </continue> do <race>
command </race> do <race>
command </next> do <class>
command </class> do <class>
command </finish> do <roll>
command <yes> exec <roll>
command <no> goto <Tavern (Carbralos)>
end define
define room <Tavern (Carbralos)>
alias <Tavern>
prefix <you are in the>
indescription <:>
east <Path 1 (Carbralos)>
command </look> msg <Tavern: The Tavern is the local pub. New comers tend to come to this pub for help, or directions. You can exit the pub East onto the Path.>
define object <Kederran>
alias <Kederran>
look msg <Kederran is tall. He is wearing soft boots, white apron, gray coat and gray trousers.>
speak msg <|cgKederran: |cb"What you havin'?">
examine msg <|bKederran (Innkeeper)|xb, male, 64 years old, 193 cm, 80 kg, short black wavey hair, green-brown eyes|n|bClothes:|xb soft boots, white apron, gray coat and gray trousers Wealth: Average >
displaytype <Inkeeper>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define
end define
define room <Path 1 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 2 (Carbralos)>
west <Tavern (Carbralos)>
end define
define room <Path 2 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 1 (Carbralos)>
east <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
end define
define room <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Armor Shop (Carbralos)>
south <Clinic (Carbralos)>
east <Path 4 (Carbralos)>
west <Path 2 (Carbralos)>
end define
define room <Path 4 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Bridge (Carbralos)>
west <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
end define
define room <Path 5 (Carbralos)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Gatehouse>
south <Bridge (Carbralos)>
end define
define room <Clinic (Carbralos)>
alias <Clinic>
prefix <You are in a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
end define
define room <Armor Shop (Carbralos)>
alias <Armor Shop>
prefix <You are in the>
indescription <:>
south <Path 3 (Carbralos)>
west <Weapons Shop (Carbralos)>
command </item list> msg <|cl|s14Armor|s00|cb|nCap|nQuilted Armor of balance|nBuckler|nLeather Gloves|nBoots|n|ntype |cr/buy [item]|cb to buy your item. Remember, you can only wear 1 piece of clothing at a time. i.e. you cant wear a leather vest and a hard leather vest at the same time.>
define object <Ralloff>
alias <Ralloff>
speak msg <|cgRalloff: |cbWelcome to the Carbralos Armor shop. Type |cr/item list |cbto view a list of items you can buy here.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define
define object <Thomas>
alias <Thomas>
speak msg <|cgRalloff: |cbYes?>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define
end define
define room <Weapons Shop (Carbralos)>
alias <Weapons Shop>
prefix <You are in the>
indescription <:>
east <Armor Shop (Carbralos)>
define object <Barrum>
alias <Barrum>
look msg <Barrum is a retired Barbarian. He is VERY tall and VERY tough. You feel the need to rush.>
speak msg <|cgBarrum: |cb|bBuy the weapon or leave!|xb.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define
end define
define room <Bridge (Carbralos)>
alias <Bridge>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 5 (Carbralos)>
south <Path 4 (Carbralos)>
end define
define room <Gatehouse>
alias <Gatehouse>
prefix <You are standing at the>
indescription <:>
north <Path 1 (wood)>
south <Path 5 (Carbralos)>
define object <Guard2>
alias <Guard>
look msg <Tall, broad, and ready for any trouble.>
speak msg <|cgGuard: |cbNot at the moment im on duty.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define
end define
define room <Path 1 (wood)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 2 (wood)>
south <Gatehouse>
end define
define room <Path 2 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 3 (wood)>
south <Path 1 (wood)>
end define
define room <Path 3 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 2 (wood)>
east <fence (to alavarin)>
west <Path 4 (wood)>
end define
define room <Path 4 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 5 (wood)>
east <Path 3 (wood)>
end define
define room <Path 5 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 6 (wood)>
south <Path 4 (wood)>
end define
define room <Path 6 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 7 (wood)>
south <Path 5 (wood)>
command <n> goto <Path 7 (wood)>
end define
define room <Path 7 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 6 (wood)>
west <Path 8 (wood)>
end define
define room <Path 8 (wood)>
alias <Grassy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 7 (wood)>
west <Path 9 (wood)>
end define
define room <Path 9 (wood)>
alias <Worn Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 10 (wood)>
east <Path 8 (wood)>
west <Farmers House (wood)>
end define
define room <Path 10 (wood)>
alias <Muddy Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 9 (wood)>
west <Gate (wood)>
script {
lose <Metal Key>
conceal <Metal Key>
end define
define room <Farmers House (wood)>
alias <Farmers House>
prefix <You are in the>
look <Not a good place to be.|n|n|cgFarmer: |cbGET OUTTA HERE!!!>
indescription <:>
east <Path 9 (wood)>
west <Pig House (wood)>
define object <Farmer>
alias <Farmer>
look msg <Old, Grumpy, the usual 'farmer looking' kind of person.>
speak msg <I dont think you should stay and chat.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <Them>
gender <He>
end define
end define
define room <Pig House (wood)>
alias <Pig House>
prefix <You are standing in the>
look <|cgPig: |cbOINK!>
indescription <:>
east <Farmers House (wood)>
define object <Pig1>
alias <Pig>
look msg <Pink and Fat>
speak msg <Looks like this pig is in no talking mood.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <it>
end define
define object <Pig2>
alias <Pig>
look msg <Pink and Fat>
speak msg <Looks like this pig is in no talking mood.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <it>
end define
end define
define room <Gate (wood)>
alias <Gate>
prefix <You are at the>
look <use the metal key that is chained to the gate to open it (this will appear in your inventory).>
indescription <: to the Barn>
east <Path 10 (wood)>
script {
reveal <Metal Key>
give <Metal Key>
define object <Metal Key>
alias <Metal Key>
look msg <Plain metal gate key>
examine msg <Plain metal gate key>
displaytype <Key>
article <it>
gender <it>
use on <Gate> goto <Barn (wood)>
end define
define object <Gate>
alias <Gate>
look msg <Wooden Gate. Can be opened with the metal key.>
examine msg <A large wooden Gate that can be open only by the metal key, or if you climb over it (i doubt you will do that).>
displaytype <Gate>
article <it>
gender <it>
use <Metal Key> goto <Barn (wood)>
end define
end define
define room <Barn (wood)>
alias <Barn>
prefix <You are in a large>
indescription <:>
east <Gate open (from barn only) (wood)>
script {
lose <Metal Key>
conceal <Metal Key>
define object <Owl>
alias <Owl>
look msg <White and fluffy.>
speak msg <|cgOwl: |cbTwitTwoooo>
displaytype <NPC>
article <it>
gender <it>
end define
end define
define room <Gate open (from barn only) (wood)>
alias <Gate>
prefix <You are at a>
look <The gate is open from when u last opened it.|nThere is a notice that reads....|n|n|s20 |crPLEASE CLOSE THE GATE|s00 |cb>
indescription <:>
east <Path 10 (wood)>
west <Barn (wood)>
define object <Metal Key (open gate)>
alias <Metal Key>
look msg <Plain metal Gate Key>
examine msg <Plain Metal Gate Key>
displaytype <Gate Key>
article <it>
gender <it>
end define
define object <Open Gate>
displaytype <Open Gate>
article <it>
gender <it>
end define
end define
define room <fence (to alavarin)>
alias <Fence>
prefix <You are at the>
look <The town of Alavarin is |bEast|xb>
indescription <:>
east <path 1 (alavarin)>
west <Path 3 (wood)>
end define
define room <path 1 (alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on the >
look <This is the enterance to Alavarin. Its rumored that the great Gods live in the town.>
indescription <:>
east <Path 2 (Alavarin)>
west <fence (to alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 2 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 3 (Alavarin)>
west <path 1 (alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 3 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 4 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 2 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 4 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 3 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Tavern (Alavarin)>
south <Path 10 (Alavarin)>
east <Path 6 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 4 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 6 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 7 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 7 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 8 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 6 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 8 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 9 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 7 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 9 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north msg <|b|crPlease enter password|cb|xb>
south msg <|b|crPlease enter password|cb|xb>
west <Path 8 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 10 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 11 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 11 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 10 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 12 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 12 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 11 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 13 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 13 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 12 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 14 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 14 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 13 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 15 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 15 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 14 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 16 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 16 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 15 (Alavarin)>
south <Path 21 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 17 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Weapons Shop (Alavarin)>
east <Path 18 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 18 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 19 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 17 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 19 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Armor Shop (Alavarin)>
east <Path 20 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 18 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 20 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 21 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 19 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 21 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Path 16 (Alavarin)>
east <Path 22 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 20 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 22 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 23 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 21 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 23 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Clinic (Alavarin)>
east <Path 24 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 22 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 24 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
east <Path 25 (Alavarin)>
west <Path 23 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path 25 (Alavarin)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a>
indescription <:>
north <Food Shop (Alavarin)>
east <Entrance to cave (alavarin)>
west <Path 24 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Entrance to cave (alavarin)>
alias <Cave Enterance>
prefix <You are at the enterance of a>
look <or |bDown|xb into the Cave.>
indescription <:>
west <Path 25 (Alavarin)>
command <d> goto <Path (cave 1)>
define object <Guard>
alias <Guard>
look msg <Tall, broad, and ready for any trouble.>
speak msg <|cgGuard: |cbNot at the moment im on duty.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define
end define
define room <Tavern (Alavarin)>
alias <Alavarin Tavern>
prefix <You are in the>
indescription <:>
south <Path 5 (Alavarin)>
define object <Bartender2>
alias <Bartender>
look msg <The Bartender is big and tough, but cheerful. He looks like he has everything in control, and looks relaxed.>
speak msg <|cgBartender: |cb"What you 'aving?">
examine msg <The Bartender wears lace shoes, a tattered shirt, and light brown trousers. He is also wearing a hat, and has a cloth on his left shoulder.>
displaytype <NPC>
article <them>
gender <He>
end define
end define
define room <Weapons Shop (Alavarin)>
alias <Weapons Shop>
prefix <You are in a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 17 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Armor Shop (Alavarin)>
alias <Armor Shop>
prefix <You are in an>
indescription <:>
south <Path 19 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Clinic (Alavarin)>
alias <Clinic>
prefix <You are in a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 23 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Food Shop (Alavarin)>
alias <Food Shop>
prefix <You are in a>
indescription <:>
south <Path 25 (Alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
look <or |bUp|xb to the Cave Enterance>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)2>
south <Path (cave 1)14>
command <u> goto <Entrance to cave (alavarin)>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)2>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)3>
south <Path (cave 1)>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)3>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)4>
south <Path (cave 1)2>
east <Path (cave 1)8>
west <Path (cave 1)7>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)4>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
south <Path (cave 1)3>
east <Path (cave 1)6>
west <Path (cave 1)5>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)5>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)4>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)6>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
west <Path (cave 1)4>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)7>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)3>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)8>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
west <Path (cave 1)3>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)9>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
south <Path (cave 1)10>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)10>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)9>
east <Path (cave 1)11>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)11>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)12>
west <Path (cave 1)10>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)12>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)13>
west <Path (cave 1)11>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)13>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)14>
west <Path (cave 1)12>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)14>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)>
east <Path (cave 1)15>
west <Path (cave 1)13>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)15>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)16>
west <Path (cave 1)14>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)16>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
east <Path (cave 1)17>
west <Path (cave 1)15>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)17>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)18>
west <Path (cave 1)16>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)18>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)19>
south <Path (cave 1)17>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)19>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
south <Path (cave 1)18>
east <Path (cave 1)20>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)20>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
north <Path (cave 1)21>
west <Path (cave 1)19>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)21>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
south <Path (cave 1)20>
east <Path (cave 1)22>
end define
define room <Path (cave 1)22>
alias <Path>
prefix <You are on a rocky>
indescription <:>
west <Path (cave 1)21>
command <d> msg <|cr|s30YOU NEED FULL VERSION TO GO THIS FAR|cb |s00>
end define
define procedure <Name>
msg <|n|jlPlease choose a name for your character:>
property <player%userid%; name>
do <Nameconfirm>
end define
define procedure <roll>
msg <|n|nType |cr|b|iRoll|xi|xb|cb to start rolling your statistics.|n>
end define
define procedure <Nameconfirm>
msg <|nSo you are |cr$objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$|cb. Type |cg/Name|cb if this is incorrect.|n>
msg <Type |cg/continue|cb if this is Right>
end define
define procedure <race>
msg <|nPlease choose a Race:|n|n|cgHuman|nElf|nHalf-Elf|nDwarf|nGnome|nKender|nHobbit|nOrc|nHalf-Orc|n|cb|n>
enter <race>
do <raceconfirm>
end define
define procedure <raceconfirm>
msg <So you are $objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$, the $objectproperty(player%userid%; race)$. If this is incorrect, type |cg/race|cb.|n|nType |cg/next|cb if this is right.>
end define
define procedure <class>
msg <|nPlease choose a class:|n|n|cgCavalier|nFighter|nPaladin|nThief|nAssassin|nIllusionist|nMage|nCleric|nMonk|nDruid|nRanger|cb|n|n>
enter <class>
do <classconfirm>
end define
define procedure <classconfirm>
msg <So you are $objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$, the $objectproperty(player%userid%; race)$ $objectproperty(player%userid%; class)$ Type |cg/class|cb if this is incorrect.|n|nType |cg/finish|cb is this is right.>
end define
define procedure <gender>
msg <|nPlease choose a gender:|n|n|cgMale|nFemale|cb>
enter <gender>
do <genderconfirm>
end define
define procedure <genderconfirm>
msg <|nSo you are $objectproperty(player%userid%; name)$, The $objectproperty(player%userid%; gender)$ $objectproperty(player%userid%; race)$ $objectproperty(player%userid%; class)$. Type |cg/gender|cb if this is incorrect.|n|nType |cg/start|cb if this is correct.>
end define
define text <intro>
end define
define text <win>
end define
define text <lose>
end define