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  does Qnet support music/sound

Author Topic:   does Qnet support music/sound
Gautier UK posted 13-04-2003 16:31 BST     
the topic asks the question.
Alex posted 13-04-2003 18:22 BST          
No, because the music or sound files would have to be transferred from the server to the player, and there's no mechanism for doing this. The length of time that it would take to transfer the music would vary - but when should the music begin? It would be a bit silly for players to start the game, and then half an hour later the music would start once a multi-megabyte MP3 had downloaded, for example. So, I can't think of a good system for having musical online adventures. If you can think of a way this could work, please let me know!
I think Im Back posted 13-04-2003 20:00 BST          
Distributed as resource packs from a website for playing the game. Optionally used if the file is found on the pc, or if an option is set in game.
Alex posted 13-04-2003 22:16 BST          
Good idea. You could include pictures as well. Nice!
Gautier UK posted 14-04-2003 20:02 BST          
well yeah thats what i thought would work, concidering the music is on my PC lol. i didnt know QuestNet wouldnt allow music to be played.
redsun posted 28-04-2003 01:06 BST          
Well, If the Game is D/led on the users comp that should mean so is the Music etc, therefor it should only have to be d/led once and that'll do it.
Gautier UK posted 01-05-2003 21:06 BST          
ahhh yes but you see RedSun, to play a game through QuestNet, the user doesnt have to download the game, the game is run from the hosters computer. So if there is a line of code like Run C:\program files\Quest\Feudal_Online\Music\Theme.mid the user wont already have that on their computer, meaning they will have to install to that specific directory, in order for the music to be played.
redsun posted 02-05-2003 11:37 BST          
But what i'm saying is, Let the user d/l it all, So then when they connect it'll play ;)
Most Online Games do this, the Content is d/led on the users PC, except for there Account info ;)
Computer Whizz posted 02-05-2003 13:41 BST          
That's the whole point of Qnet - so you can play the game being hosted on the server.

Not only does this mean the hoster can update the code, without having all the players go to one site to re-download everything.

All that needs to be added is a "shortcut" utility which passes the location of the media files to Quest. The players would double click this file, it loads up Quest, they typed in the IP address and it would connect. You could even store types of cookies (say if you banned someone).

Computer Whizz

redsun posted 02-05-2003 22:14 BST          
I'm Stubborn...LOL, Change the Point, Allow Users to d/l All the Content, dont try to stream everything, it has limits, they wont needa re-d/l the entire game, just the update that will automaticly be d/l to the default directory on there comp ;)
redsun posted 02-05-2003 22:16 BST          
in short, expand questnet, attach a update server to it, then all the host has to do is put the update within the update server, it'll d/l the updates automaticly, ;)