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Author Topic:   Speech
I think Im Back posted 29-04-2003 21:26 BST     
So, I figured out how to get a good speaking system going in QuestNet. I got passed the matter of periods being removed from string variables but there is still the problem of string variables converting text to lower-case. I know it's possible to just use a $capfirst(#text#)$ but that only solves the problem of capitalizing the first letter. If someone wants to refer to a proper-name properly, things won't work how they want them to. The default say command included in QuestNet ignores case and punctuation, I'm looking towards alex for an idea on how to either bypass that command or how to make a script that keeps the case of string variables or something similar. Suggestions and ideas?
Alex posted 29-04-2003 22:28 BST          
Quest converts everything to lower-case automatically. I suppose for a future version I could implement some syntax to bypass this conversion. You could have "command <say #*whatever#>" and it would preserve the case for the "whatever" string variable perhaps. Unfortunately until then I can't think of a workaround.
Jakk posted 03-05-2003 19:26 BST          
command <say #text#> msg <#text#>

That should work... but the only promlem is that the whole online community might see it... you could perhaps have private chat rooms that converts everything you type into a message...

I think Im Back posted 04-05-2003 01:00 BST          
I think what we are talking about is just a little bit more complex than that. nice looking out though.