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  My fighting game demo!

Author Topic:   My fighting game demo!
Computer Whizz posted 05-08-2001 00:30 GMT     
I'm not going to e-mail EVERYONE here, so instead I'm going to post this message!
This is my little demo to try and make Tyrants look better! :)
Well, I've got this bit of advice!
1. Use your health re-fills wisely! You can find them in the shop.
2. You can only use your Special Attack once! I was going to have a special script...... but I was too lazy!! Now you CAN use it again, but you have to buy it.
You get BP from killing someone! You get one BP per person, which allows you to buy one item!
Now I was trying to get the third choice (A multiple choice of past fighters) to work but I wasn't able to. If anyone (like Al, Alex, Wizard, Luridii, Tyrant, ect...) then PLEASE!! Post it so that I can make ammends.
I doubt I will be supporting this in the future, but I *might* and if I do I will post any update that I make!
Thank you, and please.... post your opinions.
Oh, and for an extra laugh, go into the fighters.lib file and look down at the procedures..... QDK, LOLLYPOP, BEARD, ect... I tried to get THESE to work, but they also failed! Have a look.... have a LAUGH!

Computer Whizz

Luridii posted 05-08-2001 09:19 GMT          
Soz CW 4 posting this in ur topic but Alex after playerlose <> has been executed the player still can move around etc!!!
Luridii posted 05-08-2001 09:27 GMT          
Mwa hah hah I am immortal! my hp is -833 and ive been killed long ago, but I still carry on by typing!!!!
carlii posted 05-08-2001 11:15 GMT          
It doesn't work on my QUEST 1.19 or 3.19 or whatever version that ends in .19
Computer Whizz posted 05-08-2001 15:08 GMT          
Yes.... the game has to be played in Quest 3.0 build 93, because I have used the |w feature in some of the inter-actions!

Hey, Luridii's right!
You can still keep playing after you have done a playerlose <>.... well that's a git!!
Next time I'm having them moved to a different room!

Well, have you tried to "look" at the fighter's? Or "take" them!? I added those carefully!

Computer Whizz

Luridii posted 05-08-2001 17:04 GMT          

I looked @ em all and I looked at their potential specials...that made me lol