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  a good FREE forum

Author Topic:   a good FREE forum
carlii posted 29-08-2001 06:57 GMT     
Does anyone know of any good FREE forums online? I mean, that are actually GOOD and hopefully add-free (not essential tho`).
Computer Whizz posted 29-08-2001 22:40 GMT          

I like the look of ezboards forum's!
here: because it allows smilies, html, ubb (latest!) and several other things. I *think* you can disallow things like HTML but I'm not sure. I'd definately pay them a visit if I wanted a forum though....

Computer Whizz

Computer Whizz posted 29-08-2001 22:41 GMT          

I like the look of ezboards forum's!
here: because it allows smilies, html, ubb (latest!) and several other things. I *think* you can disallow things like HTML but I'm not sure. I'd definately pay them a visit if I wanted a forum though....

Computer Whizz