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  Computer Whizz....

Author Topic:   Computer Whizz....
Tyrant posted 17-10-2001 01:26 GMT     
Did you find your fighting game yet? I'm still interested in seeing what you did.
Pikaflare posted 17-10-2001 01:53 GMT          
Yeah so am I.
Computer Whizz posted 17-10-2001 18:36 GMT          
Just at the wrong time!! :)

I've got to re-install cuteFTP, find my registration code, find the ftp-address, upload, done!

I'll get it done ASAP, and try to do it tonight! If so I'll reply to this and you can download it.

Computer Whizz

Computer Whizz posted 17-10-2001 20:33 GMT          
Right, the address is:

that SHOULD work, I've dubble checked it and I know it works for me - so it might be your ISP if it doesn't work!

Computer Whizz

Tyrant posted 17-10-2001 23:07 GMT          
I just played a few rounds of your fighting game, and found it quite interesting and fun. The ironic thing I found was that.... Tyrant beat me! I used up my special move to take out Alex:-) Is there an end to the fighters, or is it just an endless amount of random ones? It'd be cool to get to an end guy or something like that. I also like your idea of dragging attacks down from the inventory box (like fists) which will definately be a nice shortcut on pointless command coding. Hmmm... maybe I could get a game going. I may have to, *ahem*, "borrow" your drag & drop feature... but anyway, this could be a little side thing I could work on. Hmmmm
Computer Whizz posted 18-10-2001 12:55 GMT          
Well, if you look at the code then you'll see that there is a last fighter, and it's meant to be the player himself (does your game come up with an "enter your name" thing at the beggining?) but I got the syntax for the object's alias wrong. I might have a look into that and see if I can fix a couple of things.

Oh, ALEX:: could you add the loop comand to the selection box to your "to-do" list? I tried to do it, it didn't work, and so I gave up!
It's all at the bottom of the fighter's program somewhere....

Computer Whizz

Tyrant posted 18-10-2001 01:13 GMT          
Cool, I'll have to check that out.
Alex posted 18-10-2001 18:33 GMT          
Loop command, selection box?? What???
Computer Whizz posted 18-10-2001 19:16 GMT          
well, in Quest's language you can make it so that you do certain things a number of times - kinda like a loop command...

here's what I wrote!


for <x;1;%next fighter% - 1> choice <#fighter[x]#> do <chosen fighter_proc>

but, it didn't work because - either the loop command doesn't work or the selection window doesn't have access to any variables/arrays.

That was basically ALL that was in the define selection block!

If you want, I can either post the block on here - or you can look for yourself (bottom of my "fighters.lib").

Computer Whizz

Alex posted 18-10-2001 23:13 GMT          
For one thing, the command you want is "choose" not "choice". If that still doesn't work, well, I'm still at a a loss as to what you're trying to accomplish.
Computer Whizz posted 19-10-2001 12:20 GMT          
Well, basically - what it means is this:
I have an array with all my fighters in it, this means that when you beat one a new one or selected one comes up in the next "round".
Now this selection was meant to be up to the player - and also only to be against the fighter's which he had already fought and won!

I have tried to do it in this for statement - but I'll try out your advise and correct the error (thankyou!).

Computer Whizz

Computer Whizz posted 19-10-2001 12:24 GMT          
I don't remember writing a check for BOWLING...

errmmm.... Anyway, just reading through the manual for ASL 284 and it says that you use choice! Why??

Computer Whizz

Computer Whizz posted 19-10-2001 12:34 GMT          
Right.... for the third time!

I know understand where you were coming from.... no, my code was INSIDE a "declare selection <>" or whatever it is!

What I wanted to do was make it so that depending on how many fighters the player had beaten - the different choices would come up in the selection box...

But for some reason it doesn't work properly (some dislike of the "for" or an array'd variable)...

download my game, unzipp it, have a go, on the 3rd/4th round when the menu comes up select "previous fights" or something along those lines, and see where it doesn't work. Then go into "fighters.lib" and go right to the bottom, there is my code for that menu!
I think that's the only way you'll get what I mean!

Computer Whizz