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  Anyone know of a good FREE web space provider?

Author Topic:   Anyone know of a good FREE web space provider?
carlii posted 23-12-2001 03:27 GMT     
Geocities is really getting on my nerves.
Tyrant posted 23-12-2001 06:54 GMT          
You won't really find a GOOD web space provider while keeping it free, so I'm going to go ahead and suggest Angelfire ( You'll still get a pop-up, but at least they don't have so many problems, and they give you lots of space.
carlii posted 23-12-2001 09:10 GMT          
Are there any other ads tho? (Banners, etc)

I'm not sure......I already get banners from using :(

carlii posted 23-12-2001 09:11 GMT          
Sorry, I mean pop-ups not banners from
MischeifDevil posted 01-01-2001 02:07 GMT          
I'm not sure how good it is but might work..
ezest posted 05-01-2001 12:47 GMT          
Hi Friends!!

I found quite good free web space provider for normal HTML sites.

[email protected]

carlii posted 22-01-2001 07:27 GMT          
Thanks Ezest (lol), I'll check that one out! ;)