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  My battle engine is finished... and I promise an RPG out soon!

Author Topic:   My battle engine is finished... and I promise an RPG out soon!
Tyrant posted 02-01-2002 01:48 GMT     
Yep, after about a week of mind-bending tweaking, I finally finished my battle engine to be used for my trilogy of RPGs to come out, and probably all other RPGs of mine that are released. I put a lot of work and thought into this engine, and must've ripped my hair out about 5 times with all the bugs I encountered... but she's finished. I also got the story worked out for the trilogy, so I just need to work on the game itself now. I am very dedicated to the game (especially with my awesome battle engine), so I PROMISE that I will keep to the project.

I'll update you on the first game as it progresses.

carlii posted 05-01-2002 11:18 GMT          
WHEN?! Lol, we are all gagging for your first game, Tyrant! (An actually *good* addition to the Games Archive for a change hehe)
Tyrant posted 05-01-2002 15:57 GMT          
I have no clue when the game will be released. Right now, as you probably know, I am struggling with bugs and errors, so hopefully I can get those cleared up soon. Once I do, it's all a matter of progressing the game since the engine is about completely finished (minus the enemies I still need to code in). Also, this actually won't be my *first* game. I have another old DEMO called Silent Rage in the archive that I made a long time ago; back when Quest was quite new to me. Therefore, the game really isn't very good, and it never got finished.
carlii posted 06-01-2002 01:08 GMT          
Oh, lol, I actually liked that Silent Rage DEMO even though I was a bit confused why you'd call it a demo but anyway... *L*
Tyrant posted 06-01-2002 03:02 GMT          
It's a Demo because it's not finished. The game was actually going to be much bigger and span almost the whole hotel, and you get to fight monsters and find weird stuff about the place. The Demo was also going to be slightly different than the final version (such as the ending of the Demo never existing in the final version).