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  Fav RPG

Author Topic:   Fav RPG
Pikaflare posted 31-01-2002 21:24 GMT     
Anyone ever played the RPG Lufia II for SNES? I wish there were more games like that. Possibly Lufia III...
The Dragon Warrior series was ok (NES). Same with Final Fantasy II and Chrono Trigger (both SNES). Anyone else want to comment on their fav RPGs??


Computer Whizz posted 02-02-2002 15:11 GMT          
Well, for the SNES it'd have to be FF3/6 - alot more motivating than 2/4 or 5.
Chrono Trigger is OK (I still haven't finished it yet - only started a couple of weeks back.).

Personally my favourite has got to be FF8 for the PSX. I liked the storyline SOOOO much.

Computer Whizz

Tyrant posted 03-02-2002 00:45 GMT          
I just finished Final Fantasy X on PS2 about an hour ago, and it is definately my favorite one. The story is VERY good, the gameplay beats all other Final Fantasies (awesome battle system), and just everything is top notch. Coming in second place, I would have to say Chrono Cross for PSX, and I actually love Super Mario RPG for SNES.
Computer Whizz posted 03-02-2002 03:29 GMT          

Both of those games are on my *wish* list, and you get to play them!!
I am really anticipating FFX, and already believe that I know alot about it from only a handful of movies.

Computer Whizz

DarkAng3l posted 05-02-2002 00:14 GMT          
I would say Diablo for PC. First PC game I bought. Really great
DarkAng3l posted 05-02-2002 00:15 GMT          
By the way, has any one of you played Faxanadu for NES/Famicom? Because I had. And so did with Legend of Zelda.
Tyrant posted 05-02-2002 00:46 GMT          
Haven't played it, but I did play The Legend of Zelda, and I loved it back when it came out (like the mid-80's or somethin like that). I remember they came out with a 2nd Zelda which I didn't like, but the Zelda for SNES was REALLY fun, as were the N64 ones.
The Dark Ones posted 18-02-2002 23:54 GMT          
Fools, all of you fools!
OK, not really, but:
Final Fanasy 7 is the best rpg ever.
Followed by Shadowrun for the SNES, Chrono Cross (NOT Chrono Trigger, ha!), FF6, and FF10. Legend of Zeda: A Link to The Past is not an rpg, it's an adventure game. And it's the best one of those ever.
There, there, I jumped in.
By the way, let me toot my ownhorn since this is the Axe sofware website, I wrote Fade to White. Which, wasn't an rpg, (IF) wasn't the best anything (not that great), but, hey, I wrote it. And you guys seemed to like it.
FF7 Rules!
Computer Whizz posted 21-02-2002 00:06 GMT          
It was OK but it was nothing compared to 8. OR 3/6!!!
CT was probably the best for the SNES, either CT won or it drew with FF3.
Any other YOU think beat these for SNES? I'll try 'em out and give you my opinions.

Zelda wasn't an RPG (You're right) and I didn't like any of 'em (SNES, N64).

Anyway FF8 beats FF7...... pant's DOWN!! so THERE! ;) LOL
But not only did it have a better storyline but it was much more fun, and for longer. Of course both kick 9's butt.

Computer Whizz

The Dark Ones posted 27-02-2002 02:13 GMT          
(Trashing FF8 in a friendly way, I hope :)
Well, I certainly don't want to get into
a fight here, but...
and I don't expect this to sway you, video game fans can be quite stubborn, understandably so, but...
FF8: Oh, what A CLEVER battle system...summon 8-10 times to win boss battle, summon 8-10 times to lose a regular battle, no strategy whatsoever because first you get regular attacks, then magic, which is better, then summons, which are better, so strategy EXCEPT...
The friggin' junction system, which was overly convoluted and complicated and which was only worsened by the damn confusing tutorials, and which I being statistically at least (by IQ, merely, does't necessarily mean anything) a GENIUS (again, I'm not bragging or any such sort of jerkish thing) couldn't begin to figure out. And then there were weapons, which I couldnt upgrade, for lack of those hellah hard to find items. And don't think I'm lazy about customizing items, eithr, because I'm awesome at it in FFX where it's easy, and simple, and allows room for ingenuity.
And those are just my beefs with gameplay?
Stoyline? Very good, not as good as FF7, then again, what the hell is? But, I couldn't enjoy it properly, as I couldn't finish the game, hard as (and as many times) as I tried, I always got stuck halfway through the third disc. I was no good at that game, I couldn't junction, I'm sure that influences my opinion.
Graphics? Fine for it's time. I liked the seemless integration. Then again, maybe there's a reason that "caterpillar" thing (characters follow the leader around) wasn't in ANY of the other FFs. Also, it depends largely on your opinion on the "super deformed characters"
Sound? Nice, I suppose. But I banged my head against the wall so hard over the gameplay, I couldn't hear it
FF8 could have been a good game.
Should have been.
But it can't stand up to FF7.FFX, or even, FF9 (at least that I nearly beat, but that too had a screwed up battle system. What can I say, I like Materia.) Come to think about it, in my mind, it couldn't stand up next to it's own hype, either. I have played "home made games" crafted with RM2K that were better.
FF3/6? I need to play it again, but I might give it a tie with FF7. I'm a huge fan of the old school.
CT? I'll need to play it again, I suppose. Great game for sure. Perhaps the best RPG for SNES, (in a three way tie with FF3/6 and IOG)
But, it can't even stand up next to FF7 (PSX advantage, I suppose)
There, whew, rant finally done. :)
Don't be too angry in your reply, after all, they're just video games.
And, as Dennis Miller says to cover his sarcastic, obscure reference dropping ass, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
This is the Dark Ones, signing off.
The Dark Ones posted 27-02-2002 02:15 GMT          
Damn, I posted a lot.
I ought to get a life.
Just, lol, said that before any of you could, lol.

I'm watching you
::shifty eyes of paranoia::

Computer Whizz posted 28-02-2002 22:23 GMT          
What do you mean summon 6-10 times against a normal monster and die?
The only way you could POSSIBLE do that is if you used Ifrit against fire monsters or Ifrit (On Lv 1 or 2) against the iron giants.

All normal monsters will die if you pull out a summon, harder ones die at about 2, and those pesky green gits that have bad breath take about 3/4.

And how can you say no stratagy? Sure you could use GF's most of the way - but the times that they die - or you just get tired of them - you can even use the limit breaks (which are the most/second most powerfull moves!).
FF7 I did like the magic system a bit - but restricting the ammount of summons you can do in a battle - that's not nice! FF9 sucked because you can't have magic with Zidane, or things like that - only special skills for each!

The junction system was actually very good IMO. It was easy to use - it took me about 2 hours at most, and that was WITH gameplay. I'm meant to have about 148 IQ I think, but that was one of those DIY math's books I borrowed from a teacher in school - I did order a proper IQ thing a while back but have forgotten to fill it in ;)
ANYWAY junctioning wasn't TOO hard, just steal a pile of magic, junction it to the best one, be able to steal MORE and BETTER magic, junction, steal ect...
This was a bit better then FF7 in that you could share magic, and keep magic - not to mention the variety you could have! FF7 limited you to the ammount of materia you could fit onto your weapons - and the best weapons were cr*p in this respect!! FF9 had you equiping rocks - also not nice, but I liked the way the skill STAYED this time, materia should have been like this, learning the skill and keeping it!

Customising the weapons - well noone can "customise" the weapons, you can upgrade it - the only way in 8, you can buy new ones, FF6 -, FF7&9? It wasn't too hard to get all the items - only if you didn't use an FAQ! Also you could use GF skills to get some ;P

FF7 didn't have a good storyline!
I am taking this as a quote from memory, from someone that posted it in a newsgroup "WOW, a man trying to get power by slamming a meteor into the Earth.... GREAT storyline! # /end sarcasm #"
I agree with him. The characters weren't explored in any great detail, the ending left only questions which couldn't be answered and left you missing something. Surely the only good thing about this storyline was the way Square implemented Clouds' phsyche (SP?) and where he get's droped into the Earth's living force (forgotten it's name) and has flashes to discover himself.
FF8 had a much better way where they were continually exploring Laguna's history, along with the whole "everybody fancies Squall" thing. I swear if I were in his position most of the female's in garden would have experienced JOY ;D ;D ;D
I'm not even going to START on 9... 3/6 was brillient!

1. The caterpiller thing wasn't in the others simply because they wanted to save space. It was actually much better because they didn't "dissapear" into one person (FF7).
2. I think you're confusing FF8 with 7 with the remark "super deformed characters" since FF7 had tall thin characters in some movies - short fat ones in others, even shorter and fatter ones in normal game play! THAT is deformed - at least FF8 had ones the same all the way through and had them "life-like". The reason YOU probably saw them strangly was because you have widescreen (probably).

FF8 has the best music of the whole series! I haven't played one yet with better music in it.

FF9 wasn't very good - I got up to the 3rd disc and got fed up just after getting to the mountain.
I did finish it in the end but I cheated (more! :D ) to do it!
RM2k made games aren't too bad I guess, I haven't played any yet (I've got it - just waiting till I can get some CD/RW's) but I will ASAP.

CT hit's FF7 to the bottom of the food chain! Then again FF8 kick's CT OFF the food chain!! :D

I'm not offended with you're remarks - I like arguing about this sorta stuff - just as long as the people KNOW what they're talking about! It's just the idiot's who say "FF... SUCKS!" without any explaining that get's my goat.

Computer Whizz

Dark Realm posted 04-03-2002 05:06 GMT          
Shining Force- Still a unique battle system to today's RPGs, one of my favorites (stay away from Shining Wisdom), try Shining Force I and II for the Sega Genesis.

Vandal Hearts (I not II!)- I is great, another of my favorites. II is horrible IMO, especially compared to I and Shining Force! :)

Chrono Trigger- Haven't played Chrono Cross, I heard it was a bit short, besides O_o. Anyways I enjoyed Chrono Trigger and all the secrets besides the lengthy storyline (and something about time that fit together!) :D

RPG king posted 04-03-2002 22:48 GMT          
Hi well completely dissagreeing (sorry if thats spelt swrong) with Computer Whizz :) (no offence intended Computer Whizz) but i have to say that FF9 is easily the best FF i have ever played.
The story line in FF8 is good but the game is just a bit boring. The fact that it has great music dont make it a good game for me. I like FF9 because the actual gameplay you do is more entertaining for me. I like the places you go and the things you do a lot better.
I like FF8 because i respect that it has a great story but i still think that the game is to boring and dull. Its just the way i am, i like FF9 more.

I like FF7 but i found it to be very dissapointing for the way the people look. It might be because i played FF8 and FF8 and FF9 first but i still think the graphics could be a lot better. I dont like the way all of their hair changes and they get different heights in movies.
I thought that overall, FF7 is class for its length on the first disk and it has a lot of cool music and entertaining places to go but i think that it is equally as good as FF8 or maybe FF8 gets the edge because of its cool story and good characters.

I noticed you talked about Zelda, well i found that to be a very entertaining game. It has a good story, good characters, good music, and an incredible length, if you ask me it is a very good game. If you actually sat down and played the game Computer Whizz (i am assuming you havn't) then you will find it does have some very good qualities.

I will end by saying FF9 rules and if you really want to play some great games try playing Resident Evil's as well. I hope you all enjoyed reading this.

RPG king

RPG king posted 04-03-2002 23:12 GMT          
Hi and another thing, have you ever tried to do FF9 in 12 hours?
I did it in 13:22 but i cant do any better than that. Can any one help me to do it in 12 hours?

RPG king

Computer Whizz posted 05-03-2002 20:28 GMT          
FF9 in 12 hours..... I'm doing that at the moment with a friend of mine - we've just got onto the 3rd disc at 7:??. Frankly we've cheated and done it like that! I don't know HOW this bloke got this far in about 5 1/2 hours!!

Well, I *can* see how people could percieve it to be the best RPG - but it's just that I don't...
The gameplay (for me) is based around the storyline alot, which FF8 had tonnes of, but FF9 didn't have any for me. I can also see how FF8 could be confusing to some, but it wasn't to me.

But then again I like a theme based around time - a person looking back on his/her past, or stuff like that. It is what *I* am terrified/interested about.
I might have this kind of theme later on in the series, but quite different to FF8.

Resident Evil is easily one of the best series of games in the WORLD! It's got a great storyline, great characters ('cept Carlos :) ) and alot of thought has been put into it ('cept RE:CV).

Dark Relm =
Thankyou for those suggestions... I'll take a look around the net and see if I can take a look at their battle/games systems!

I'm interested in what people think of as "good battle/game systems".
So anyone that wants to post a suggestion or two then please go ahead....

Computer Whizz

RPG king posted 05-03-2002 21:34 GMT          
I think i know what you mean. You thought FF8 had a great story line and you liked the way you had dreams to concern the story with the past.

I am playing FF9 now and i have started a new game. I have gotten out of the evil forest in 58 minutes but it is getting harder.

I like the battle systems like FF9 and i like the way you trance better as well but the only thing about FF9 is that only Dagger and Eiko can summon. It should be more like FF7 where everyone can use all the materia.

The battle system in FFX is great. I have not actually played the game yet but my mate has just got it and i saw him playing it around his house for about half an hour and the graphics and battling system are just great.

I cant wait until 14th or is it 17th because thats when Metal Gear Solid 2 comes out, i cant wait. What coments do you have to make then computer Whizz :)

RPG king

Computer Whizz posted 07-03-2002 00:06 GMT          
I think we got to the ice cavern in about 58 minutes. Doing the game WITHOUT cheats we got INTO the forest in about 1 hour.

The main thing that slows you down is the battles, second is all the dialog. I think all you lucky people over there in America ect.. with NTSC have faster text!

The FF7 materia view is my idea exactly - a kind of mix between FF9's learning (and keeping) the ability and FF7's materia, so you can teach them different things.

MGS2 - I'm not terribly over excited about it. Especially since I don't have a PS2! But MGS wasn't really too good IMO.

Computer Whizz

Tyrant posted 07-03-2002 03:27 GMT          
I live in the states, so I got MGS2 last year (I think it was November). It's a GREAT game (if you're a fan of the series), but a lot of people complain that there's too many cinema scenes. There are a lot, but they are very cool to watch, and they push the twisting story in full force, so I love it. The graphics are also some of the best I've seen in a game to date.

I haven't really played my PS2 lately (I think it's been a month already) because I just got Medal of Honor: Allied Assault for the PC... EXCELLENT game if you have a powerful computer, and are into WWII. The Omaha beach invasion is intense as all Hell.

RPG king posted 07-03-2002 05:01 GMT          
I cant wait until MGS2 comes out. I have just been playing FF9 and i am starting to get really good and i think i might be able to do this in 12 hours.

I have a PS2 but i got Smackdown Just Bring It and i dont have enough money to buy Resident Evil Code Veronica or enough money to buy MGS2. Why dont some of you give me some money :)

I cant wait to play both of them, anyway thats all i got to say for now.

RPG king

DarkAng3l posted 17-03-2002 07:14 GMT          
IMHO, the best RPGs are pen and paper RPGs. These games you play around a table with some friends of yours, roll some dice and have fun. Much better than standing any computer RPG. A totally new experiance
