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  I need help with Codecs! :( :( :(

Author Topic:   I need help with Codecs! :( :( :(
carlii posted 07-08-2002 19:25 BST     
I downloaded a video (avi), but when I play it through Windows Media Player it cannot play. It needs to download a Codec. That's fine, and it 'attempts' to download a codec but there is no change. I only get redirected to some other site for downloading music videos...for some reason it won't download the codec!
BTW, I tried it with Real Player as well, but it just says "Cannot find Codec" or whatever it's called.

Please help me!!!

Alex posted 08-08-2002 12:21 BST          
Might be a DivX thing. Try .
carlii posted 08-08-2002 15:57 BST          
Thanx for all your help! I've got it fixed now! *phew*