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  Quest icons...

Author Topic:   Quest icons...
Computer Whizz posted 05-11-2002 22:43 GMT     
I was just wondering, when you put the Q and 3 in the icon of Quest, what program did you use to make it?

I have tried a few but have found them annoying at best, and to control the transparancy colour impossible really.

Do you have any suggestions Alex?

Computer Whizz

Alex posted 06-11-2002 18:13 GMT          
I used the icon editor that came with VB - a very very basic thing called Imagedit, which you might be able to find for download somewhere.

It's a bit limiting though. On my previous computer I was trying out Microangelo which was excellent, so give that a try perhaps.

Computer Whizz posted 07-11-2002 20:39 GMT          
Yeah - I just had a look at a magazine I bought the other day and it had an icon editor/creator.

For some reason my installation of VB doesn't have that icon editor thingy... It's also missing some other things I noticed from the college's installation.

I'm not TOO bothered. I *should* reinstall windows and everything else I have anyway, so it looks as if I'll have fun this christmas : )

Computer Whizz

Alex posted 07-11-2002 22:50 GMT          
I don't know what version of VB you have, but on my VB5 CDROM there's a directory called IMAGEDIT which contains the icon editor, which you can just copy straight over to your hard disk (or probably run from the CD) and start using.

If you run VB setup again you should be able to add any extra components you might not have installed the first time.

Computer Whizz posted 08-11-2002 22:53 GMT          
I have VB6 - so that's probably the reason why : )

I also have a *cough*different*/cough* version to most legal people... If ya get my drift .

Computer Whizz