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Author Topic:   Xlogan
Gwerradon posted 04-06-2003 00:29 BST     
i know you are very exited about your new release, but shouldnt you be concentrating on Qnet? i've been waiting ages for it
redsun posted 04-06-2003 05:15 BST         
Good things come to those who Wait...hehe, But Yeah i'm waiting fer it to...i'm not in no big big hurry since i'm still designing WoW" World of Wonder, changed from World of Discovery ".

but a hint on Quest servers Status will be most appreciated, this kinda helps me time WoW's release to :)

Computer Whizz posted 04-06-2003 11:06 BST          
I personally create tools I need most of the time.
Quest started out as Alex's personal desire to create a text game - so he created his own system and never got around to the game.
He may have written the program to help himself out and so has gone one step further and given it to the public.

Computer Whizz

Alex posted 04-06-2003 12:37 BST          
Xlogan started out just as my own personal little tool for analysing the log files of this website, so I've just tidied it up and made it public for now.

QuestNet has been on the back burner for a few months now, but I have added a few things to it since the Beta 1 release - support for "speak to", overriding speak commands, the "enter" script command, and logins. Logins are only supported by the current development version of Quest though, provisionally called Quest 3.5.

Quest has had a number of improvements too - support for translating the interface, the "up" and "down" directions and text-to-speech.

QDK features a wizard for starting new games, tips, buttons for adding text formatting and inserting variables, improved error checking, some interface changes to make it easier to edit descriptions of objects and rooms, and a facility for you to add internal comments.

There are still quite a few things that need to be tidied up in all that, plus a few more things I want to add. So there are definitely some good things on the way!

I've been concentrating on Xlogan for the last few days since finishing my exams last week, as I now finally have a nice big chunk of time to devote to programming. This means further progress on the Quest family should be made soon as well - though I have no idea when I'll release the next version. Not too far away though.

redsun posted 04-06-2003 19:29 BST         
Awesome, You dont needa give a release date or anything cuz they change so often anyways :), But at lease now we know it still is Progressing i'm Happy :)

Here is a Feature I'd Like to see at some point in Quest...I'm not sure how easy/Hard it is to do this, But I Know some people who are doing Games with Quest might not want the Interface to Look like any other Quest Game, They might want it to be Unique, So A Feature that allows us to change the Interface"at lease a little" will be a nice added feature :), but again i dunno how hard it would be to do this ;)

redsun posted 04-06-2003 20:42 BST         
Another Feature that'd be nice is allow urls to be placed in the Game and when clicked it opens the browser and goes to that URL :P

Gwerradon posted 04-06-2003 21:23 BST          
nice one Alex, sounds cool :)